Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Autism - Complex Neurodevelopment Disorders That Affects Brain Functionality

Almost all children take birth normally, but it is hard to detect whether a baby is suffering from any brain related disorder or not. When these children begin to grow, there might be some conditions recognized by children like unusual behavior, poor verbal communication, etc. After scientific investigations, researchers have come to a point that most of such children having weird kind of mental functionality can be autistic patients. Good news for parents of these children are that these illness is controllable & very productive, it medicaments methods are begun as early as possible. It is also studied that up to a certain point it can be cured & brought close to a normal child's act. Autism is also referred as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which can be mixture of problems like repetitive behavior, stereotyped behavioral pattern, & struggling to communicate. For such individuals, family support, clinical support, social support, altogether adds up to treat this disorder. It is found that one out of every eight children is affected by this mental torturing condition. Chances of this illness are higher in male gender than female. It is calculated that risks of getting impacted through it is 4 times higher in males than females. After reaching 8 years, this problematic condition continuously begins to expand and this is the time when parents realize about it. Signs that shows notifications of having this problem in children are:-

1. Absence of child's behavior to have eye-eye contact,
2. Lacking of child's nature to speak language or delaying in it,
3. Lacks in passionate emotions to play,
4. Continuous use of language,
5. Repetitively doing activities like twirling objects, & hand flapping.

Complete care of such child throughout lifetime is very expensive. Many children live their life with this mental sickness & also stay uncured till their last breath. This kind of peoples couldn't feel emotions of others & also struggles to get mix up with others because of lack of conversation. Autistic people find it extremely harder to tolerate other physical touch & hence respond fast to rapidly get away when gets into such contact. Also, they feel like shock when loud noise is heard or lights are blown suddenly. They also have good concentration power & rarely possible that they can forget anything. Autistic children learn much faster than that of normal one. Whether its calculation or reading difficult words, all seems to be easily managed by them. Such god gifted talents are not estimated in all autism caused children and for curing it, many interventions, antipsychotic medicaments, & controversial therapies are used.

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