Celebrity Plastic Surgery Makes Headlines
When I was a teenager no one I knew had a surgically altered face. Plastic surgery was practically unheard of while growing up in Oklahoma with the nearest city twenty miles away; the only people we saw were those from our small, farming community and the women there rarely colored their gray hair.
The popular celebrities of the day did not have surgically altered faces yet we knew they were thin and beautiful and we wanted to look just like them.
That desire to emulate celebrities has not changed as we see non-celebrities from every part of the world dressing and copying their styles of clothing, buying and wearing celebrity named fragrances and some wannabes have even resorted to plastic surgery to imitate their favorite celebrity's faces.
Celebrities have been considered our royalty and we usually put a lot of trust in them; in fact, there is an implied consent that whatever they do is probably ok so if the celebs are busy chasing the elusive fountain of youth using surgical enhancements and injections that plump and paralyze, the hanger-ons are probably doing the same. Consider this: when celebrities sport plumped up cheeks and big lips, it's not long before the fans are flocking to imitate the look. Whether the fans go for the Jennifer Aniston hair, Heidi's breasts, the Angelina lips or the lifted derriere of Kim Kardashian, you can be certain that these enhanced attributes will not go unnoticed by their adoring admirers.
Looking young presents a lot of pressure for even the most beautiful because that natural beauty slowly abandons us. If you are in the entertainment business hoping to make a sufficient living in film, video, the stage, runway or television the stress and anxiety to maintain a desirable weight can be daunting. The constant pressure of starving while trying to maintain a flawless face can send even the most emotionally secure star over the edge much to the delight of those who prey on insecurities.
There is peer pressure for actors and actresses to look, act and dress a certain way and with celebrity sites like Perez Hilton and TMZ who have no qualms about publishing unflattering poses it is no wonder celebs feel they are living under a microscope. If the star is addicted to fame and craves constant media attention, who knows, they may become addicted to plastic surgery procedures, too, because of the demands placed on them. This attention may compel them to use certain injected artificial enhancements that provide plumper cheeks, paralyzed foreheads and fillers that flatten nasal labial folds. Does this mean they can face the camera without reservations? Not necessarily.
The powers that be – those casting directors and producers – are beginning to call for natural faces, not artificially enhanced faces to cast in their productions. The fact is this: when injections and sutures are used extensively on a face, that person rarely looks youthful, they just look done, sometimes over done.
So what is the answer to look fresh and youthful whether you're in front of the camera or not?
Facial exercise is the intelligent choice. It works to de-age faces; it works to keep the facial muscles toned. Most of all the facial skin smoothes and lifts so the user looks younger and very refreshed. Just think - a younger looking face without resorting to surgery, injections or drugs of any kind to create, maintain and retain a youthful face.
How is it possible that an exercise program can do all that and more?
It's all in the technique. A facial exercise program must have resistance, anchoring and contraction for the facial muscles to respond positively. Twists, puckers, contortions and funny faces will not change the shape and contour of your face; it is when you use your thumbs and fingers to anchor those tiny, hidden muscles that you will see your face react. Contraction of these anchored muscles lifts and smoothes the entire face and neck.
Aging is different for everyone and most facial exercise users report they look 10-15 years younger after using the techniques only a few weeks. This all natural program allows you to take charge of your face just as you would your body. Just as exercise works for your body to trim, tighten, lift and tone your sagging waist, tummy, hips, thighs and arms, facial exercise will indeed lift, tone and tighten those sagging facial muscles that make you look tired and old.
An authentic face is much more appealing; it's easy to maintain and your face will most likely look more youthful than a face that has been artificially enhanced.
The popular celebrities of the day did not have surgically altered faces yet we knew they were thin and beautiful and we wanted to look just like them.
That desire to emulate celebrities has not changed as we see non-celebrities from every part of the world dressing and copying their styles of clothing, buying and wearing celebrity named fragrances and some wannabes have even resorted to plastic surgery to imitate their favorite celebrity's faces.
Celebrities have been considered our royalty and we usually put a lot of trust in them; in fact, there is an implied consent that whatever they do is probably ok so if the celebs are busy chasing the elusive fountain of youth using surgical enhancements and injections that plump and paralyze, the hanger-ons are probably doing the same. Consider this: when celebrities sport plumped up cheeks and big lips, it's not long before the fans are flocking to imitate the look. Whether the fans go for the Jennifer Aniston hair, Heidi's breasts, the Angelina lips or the lifted derriere of Kim Kardashian, you can be certain that these enhanced attributes will not go unnoticed by their adoring admirers.
Looking young presents a lot of pressure for even the most beautiful because that natural beauty slowly abandons us. If you are in the entertainment business hoping to make a sufficient living in film, video, the stage, runway or television the stress and anxiety to maintain a desirable weight can be daunting. The constant pressure of starving while trying to maintain a flawless face can send even the most emotionally secure star over the edge much to the delight of those who prey on insecurities.
There is peer pressure for actors and actresses to look, act and dress a certain way and with celebrity sites like Perez Hilton and TMZ who have no qualms about publishing unflattering poses it is no wonder celebs feel they are living under a microscope. If the star is addicted to fame and craves constant media attention, who knows, they may become addicted to plastic surgery procedures, too, because of the demands placed on them. This attention may compel them to use certain injected artificial enhancements that provide plumper cheeks, paralyzed foreheads and fillers that flatten nasal labial folds. Does this mean they can face the camera without reservations? Not necessarily.
The powers that be – those casting directors and producers – are beginning to call for natural faces, not artificially enhanced faces to cast in their productions. The fact is this: when injections and sutures are used extensively on a face, that person rarely looks youthful, they just look done, sometimes over done.
So what is the answer to look fresh and youthful whether you're in front of the camera or not?
Facial exercise is the intelligent choice. It works to de-age faces; it works to keep the facial muscles toned. Most of all the facial skin smoothes and lifts so the user looks younger and very refreshed. Just think - a younger looking face without resorting to surgery, injections or drugs of any kind to create, maintain and retain a youthful face.
How is it possible that an exercise program can do all that and more?
It's all in the technique. A facial exercise program must have resistance, anchoring and contraction for the facial muscles to respond positively. Twists, puckers, contortions and funny faces will not change the shape and contour of your face; it is when you use your thumbs and fingers to anchor those tiny, hidden muscles that you will see your face react. Contraction of these anchored muscles lifts and smoothes the entire face and neck.
Aging is different for everyone and most facial exercise users report they look 10-15 years younger after using the techniques only a few weeks. This all natural program allows you to take charge of your face just as you would your body. Just as exercise works for your body to trim, tighten, lift and tone your sagging waist, tummy, hips, thighs and arms, facial exercise will indeed lift, tone and tighten those sagging facial muscles that make you look tired and old.
An authentic face is much more appealing; it's easy to maintain and your face will most likely look more youthful than a face that has been artificially enhanced.