Health & Medical Men's Health

The Best Method to Make a Penis Larger Through Exercise

When it comes to enlarging your penis you might be aware of several options.
Well today I am going to tell you why a popular choice - surgery - is not such a good idea.
Then I am going to introduce you to the method to make a penis larger through exercise.
Why You Should Avoid Penis Enlargement Surgery Surgery of any type is always a risk, but cosmetic surgery such as that to lengthen and widen your penis carries increased risk of something going wrong.
Firstly, surgery often does not work at all and you are then left out of pocket thousands of dollars.
All cosmetic surgery costs a lot of money.
Next up is the surgery that turns more into a butchering! That is when something goes horribly wrong down there and you end up with something that once resembled a penis.
No, it doesn't happen very often but it can happen.
Surgery for penis enlargement also often results in you having to wear weights from your penis for months on end after the procedure.
This is to stop any build up of scar tissue in the area.
This scar tissue can make your penis short again - but wearing weights is certainly not something that sounds natural, comfortable or safe.
For these reasons I obviously recommend that you stay right away from male enlargement surgery.
Penis Enlargement Exercises The safest and most natural way to make your penis not only longer, but wider too, is through exercise.
Whilst your penis is not the same as other muscles in the body, you can make it bigger with your hands because you are creating more space for blood to flow.
When there is more blood, your penis gets bigger.
It is really that simple.
Jelqing This is the most popular and often used exercise procedure.
It involves grabbing the base of your penis with a lubricated hand and then putting your other hand on top of it in the same position.
You then start 'milking' your penis to make blood go from the base up to the shaft and then finally to the head.
This is a great exercise but one that must be done for at least 30 minutes per day, sometimes more.
The exercises that I performed to grow my penis considerably larger was a more detailed and specific version of the jelqing procedure.
It is also one that is so efficient that I only had to do it for six minutes per day rather than 30.
That means you are not wearing your penis out and you are not wasting time.

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