Health & Medical Mental Health

What to Do If You Have a Panic Attack

Knowing what to do if you have a panic attack can go a long way to helping you reduce the intensity and length of time of a panic attack. The symptoms of an attack are so distressing that a sufferer will have a constant 'fear' of having the next one. But this very fear can actually trigger panic (anxiety) attacks. So it's important to eliminate your fear in order to prevent panic attacks and eliminate your general anxiety.

We need first to look at the symptoms of a panic attack. The most common are; tightness across the chest, tight throat, dizziness, lightheadedness, shaking, nausea, hyperventilation, irregular heartbeat, racing heart, difficulty breathing, feeling of being detached from reality, feeling of some impending doom. You may not suffer all of these at the same time, but you'll suffer at least some of these.

You can see from the above that these can be signs of other problems so this leads us to the first step in 'what to do if you have a panic attack' series of tips...

Consult Your Doctor

If you have suffered any of the symptoms then consult you doctor for a proper diagnosis. They'll then propose appropriate treatment. For the purposes of this report which is all about 'what to do if you have a panic attack' we'll assume that your doctor has confirmed you are suffering from anxiety and have had a panic / anxiety attack.

Make A Decision On Whether To Take Drug-based Medication

Your doctor will most probably prescribe medication such as tranquilizers, antidepressants or beta-blockers. These work on the chemicals in the brain to help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. But they do have many negative side effects including dependency issues, which puts many people off their use. And they aren't a 'cure' for your general anxiety which is at the heart of your problem.

Talk things through carefully with your doctor and get to know the side effects of each drug they are proposing. Also ask about alternatives such as non-drug therapies. And also ask about other therapies and self-help treatments. They should be able to put you on to experts in those fields.

Use Therapy

Your doctor may well propose some psychological therapies alongside any drug treatment. But these can be used without the need for drugs. They are used to help change your negative thought processes to more positive ones. Perhaps the most well known is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Use Self-help Techniques

Even if you decide to use mainstream drug-based treatment, the use of self-help techniques can be invaluable in helping you cope with your anxiety and panic attacks by reducing stress and helping you relax more. For example, learn controlled breathing which is great to use during a panic attack for reducing both its intensity and its length. Other techniques are things such as self-hypnosis, meditation, yoga, relaxation exercises, etc.

Move Towards A Healthier Lifestyle

Daily exercise is great. 30 minutes every day has been proved to reduce stress and calm the mind. A healthy balanced diet is also important; it ensures that your body gets the right nutrients and maintains the right chemical balance in your body and brain. And uninterrupted sleep is vital. Make sure you get your full 8 hours every night.

Relieve Stress In All Areas Of You Life

The build-up of stress is a contributory factor in panic attacks. You need to remove stress where you can, e.g., end bad relationships, work less where possible, shop when it's less busy, try not to drive during rush hour, etc.

Get To Know That A Panic Attack Can't Harm You

It's very important to realise this fact. This realisation is an important step in handling the symptoms of a panic attack. The fear of impending doom you experience during an attack only makes the symptoms seem worse. The more you let this fear consume you during an attack, the more intense and longer the attack will be.

By understanding that you aren't about to die and that the symptoms are just your body's natural reaction to a 'spike' in stress / anxiety which it has misinterpreted as a physical 'danger signal', you'll be able to reduce both intensity and length. Always remember that a panic attack cannot harm you.

Eliminate Your Fear Of Having Another Panic Attack

All of the previous approaches either work on relieving the symptoms or help you cope with your affliction. They don't necessarily help with the core of the problem which is your continuing fear of having another panic attack. This fear you might be consciously aware of or not, but you have it nonetheless.

The problem is that this fear builds upon your already higher-than-normal levels of anxiety to such an extent that it can trigger an actual panic / anxiety attack. You have another attack so your fear increases; your overall anxiety increases even more and another panic attack occurs. It's a vicious cycle of anxiety that you need to break out of in order to prevent further panic attacks and eliminate your general anxiety.

To discover the simple 'ONE MOVE' technique that will eliminate your fear factor and so break your vicious cycle of anxiety at last, go here now and get your old self back again.

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