Home & Garden Architecture

How to Cover Up Linoleum Countertops

    • 1). Use your pad sander to buff out and dull the surface of the existing linoleum, getting it flat and free of any shine. Clean up the dust.

    • 2). Measure each flat span of the countertop you will cover in laminate. Mark out the measurements on laminate sheets, adding 1 inch all around each measurement. Cut out the marked pieces with a utility knife.

    • 3). Brush contact cement over the backs of the laminate sections. Also brush cement on the linoleum surface of the counter. Let the contact cement set to the touch for 15 to 20 minutes.

    • 4). Position the laminate section for the front edge of the countertop, lining it up with an inch overhang on all sides. Press it tightly to the linoleum surface. Roll over it with your laminate roller to secure it. Trim off the overhanging laminate with a router and laminate bit.

    • 5). Set dowel rods on the top surface of the countertop, front to back, about a foot apart. Lay the main piece of laminate on top of the rods, so they prevent it from making contact with the cement.

    • 6). Position the piece correctly. Slide out the dowel rods, and press the laminate down to the surface. Roll over the piece with your laminate roller.

    • 7). Trim the edges with your router.

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