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How to Cure Numbness in Your Feet & Toes

    How to Treat Foot Numbness with Medications and Purchases

    • 1). Use pain relievers. According to Foot Pain Relief, everyday medicines like ibuprofen can relieve unpleasant sensations and lessen the discomfort you feel when walking.

    • 2). Take vitamin supplements. Any improvements to your nutrition will increase blood flow in every area of your body---including your feet.

    • 3). Buy inserts for your shoes. They relieve pressure on your feet and correct imbalances in your walk, which can improve your circulation over time.

    • 4). Buy larger shoes. Your feet may heal more quickly if you give them more space to move around.

    How to Treat Foot Numbness with Exercise and Bodily Position

    • 1). Exercise daily. Aerobic exercise is best, as it gets your blood flowing and strengthens your heart. Hair and Skin Care says that swimming, which works every part of your body at once, is an ideal treatment for any kind of numbness.

    • 2). Massage your feet. This relives tension and forces blood to enter your foot muscles.

    • 3). Consult a physical therapist. Many sufferers of numbness have bowed legs or flat feet, both of which lead to an imbalanced walk and greater pressure on the soles. A qualified therapist can give you exercises to correct these conditions.

    • 4). Keep your feet elevated. This prevents blood from pooling near your ankles, which diminishes circulation and may even cut it off entirely.

    • 5). Place a pillow underneath your feet before you go to bed. This keeps your feet raised during the night and contributes to healthy blood flow.

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