Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Top Job Hunting Sites

    • Many people have lost their jobs since the recession hit the United States and the rest of the world. Thankfully, companies are getting back on their feet and starting to hire again. But the number of candidates is huge, so having the right resources is critical to landing a good job. One of those resources is job-hunting websites, which help people contact prospective employers. Many of the top websites in the United States are free to job-seekers.


    • Some of the best companies in the United States list their openings on this website. A simple and free registration process allows you to search for job opportunities. The site also has articles on job-related topics such as resume writing, preparing for interviews and sending thank-you letters.


    • This popular website lists all job opportunities from newspapers in the United States. The site is free for job-seekers; it makes money by charging employers to list their openings.


    • Aimed at people who speak at least one language in addition to English, this site is free for job-seekers. It lists positions available in different fields, including entry-level, finance, marketing and business analysis.


    • CareerBuilder has the most openings across all job portals in the United States. It has easy navigability and easy search options to help you find the job that best suits you.


    • Talking of top job-hunting portals, CareerSurf is a viable option. Here you can post your resume and look for jobs using different criteria such as keywords, industry and years of experience. This portal is also free for job-seekers.


    • This portal is strictly for people in technology fields. It lists only IT and computer companies looking to hire professionals in the field.

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