2 Easy Diets You Can Use to Lose Weight Fast and Simple
There are many ways to lose weight, some of them are really hard.
However, dieting doesn't have to be torture.
It can be rather simple.
In this article I want to go over 2 easy diet plans which you can use to lose weight fast without going through too much hardship.
Naturally, you will need to make some changes in how and what you eat.
However, the days in which you had to starve yourself silly are over.
There are ways to burn fat and still enjoy life.
The 2 easy diets I want to review are Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Every Other Day Diet.
Both have some similarities and some differences, but both are pretty easy to stick to for a long time and have been used by thousands of people from around the world over the past few years, so they have a proven track record.
Why is Fat Loss 4 Idiots easy? FL4I, as it's known for short, has this funny name because it is very simple to do.
You have a menu generating software which you use to create your menus.
You enter into the software your favorite foods from a long list of possibilites and the software creates a personal menu for you, based on the internal guidelines of Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
You can change the menu at any time so you have control over what you eat.
In addition, for 3 days every 2 weeks, you can eat what you want (in moderation), even if these are fattening things.
These are known as "cheating days" and they are very important to help you stick to the diet for as long as you need.
Why is Every Other Day Diet easy? EODD, as it's known for short, also allows you to eat your favorite foods.
In this case, you can eat what you like every other day.
On the rest of the days, you need to follow the eating guidelines of the diet, eat a lot of high protein foods and workout regularly.
While EODD doesn't have a special software like FL4I and doesn't simply give you a menu to follow, you have a wide variety of food choices.
Both of these diets aren't based solely on what you eat but on how you eat as well.
This is why these are two easy diet plans which you can use to lose weight even if you failed with more depriving programs in the past.
Which concept looks better to you? Using a special menu software or eating what you like every other day? The choice is yours.
However, dieting doesn't have to be torture.
It can be rather simple.
In this article I want to go over 2 easy diet plans which you can use to lose weight fast without going through too much hardship.
Naturally, you will need to make some changes in how and what you eat.
However, the days in which you had to starve yourself silly are over.
There are ways to burn fat and still enjoy life.
The 2 easy diets I want to review are Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Every Other Day Diet.
Both have some similarities and some differences, but both are pretty easy to stick to for a long time and have been used by thousands of people from around the world over the past few years, so they have a proven track record.
Why is Fat Loss 4 Idiots easy? FL4I, as it's known for short, has this funny name because it is very simple to do.
You have a menu generating software which you use to create your menus.
You enter into the software your favorite foods from a long list of possibilites and the software creates a personal menu for you, based on the internal guidelines of Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
You can change the menu at any time so you have control over what you eat.
In addition, for 3 days every 2 weeks, you can eat what you want (in moderation), even if these are fattening things.
These are known as "cheating days" and they are very important to help you stick to the diet for as long as you need.
Why is Every Other Day Diet easy? EODD, as it's known for short, also allows you to eat your favorite foods.
In this case, you can eat what you like every other day.
On the rest of the days, you need to follow the eating guidelines of the diet, eat a lot of high protein foods and workout regularly.
While EODD doesn't have a special software like FL4I and doesn't simply give you a menu to follow, you have a wide variety of food choices.
Both of these diets aren't based solely on what you eat but on how you eat as well.
This is why these are two easy diet plans which you can use to lose weight even if you failed with more depriving programs in the past.
Which concept looks better to you? Using a special menu software or eating what you like every other day? The choice is yours.