Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

Hyip Investment | Middle Term HyipHow To Invest

Hi again!

I want to speak separately about middle term high yield investment programs. Usually such kind of program offers 1.5%-2% daily for 70-150 business days and principal return at the end of investment period. Are they worth investing, how to earn on them? I will try to explain in this article.

The average lifetime of this program is 90-180 days, depending on admins background. Let us consider that the interest rate is 1.5%. To receive your principal back, you will have to wait 67 business days. It is 94 calendar days. Usually the HYIP closes when the investment period of the first deposits ends, as it is hard to find money for paying to investors a full amount at once. However in case program has gained good popularity, it will be able to return you principal. So how to make the right choice?

Firstly, choose the programs with professional design, those that employ at least 15 monitors, have SSL and DDoS protection. Secondly, choose HYIP with long investment plans. I am sure, many investors will object to it, saying that it is better to choose one with short investment period to receive principal back earlier. The secret is that such kind of program will either offer low percentage or will close earlier. So the optimal investment period is 100-120 business days.

Thirdly, observe the rule: The earlier you come the earlier you will get your funds. Of course it doesnt mean that you should make HYIP investment immediately after HYIP was launched, but after making sure that program is paying, you can invest freely.

Fourthly, never invest big amount from one user. Create several accounts and invest the desired amount by parts to make HYIP investment safer.

If the HYIP is living 50+ (100+, 150+) days and still paying, I can invest freely! this is very common misconception. First calculate how much time you will have to wait for your profit, then add this period to programs lifetime, and compare the received amount to the average lifetime of similar HYIP. I think it will be much more, so you will most likely be not in profit.

Observing these rules will make the HYIP investment process safer. However you never can guess what will happen and when admin will stop paying, so good luck to you all, and hope this article helped you!

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