How to Install Yard Sprinkler Systems
- 1). Locate the main water supply, and test the water pressure using a pressure gauge. Sketch an outline of the yard using 8 ½ x 11 graph paper. Note shade trees, flower beds, and where sidewalks interrupt the yard space. Note where the water main runs from the street to the house. Determine the number of sprinkler zones and the type of sprinkler heads needed to reach the desired gallons per hour. Use half circles or full circles on paper for half spray heads or full spray heads as noted in "Garden and Patio Building Book" by the editors of Sunset magazine. Create a legend on the paper to measure the amount of linear footage needed for piping that are typically sold in 10 feet lengths.
- 2). Acquire supplies and tape over the open ends of the PVC pipe to reduce the chance of dirt entering the pipes in trenches. Check local city water departments for rebates on purchasing weather-based controllers similar to the listing on Locate where the sprinkler control box will be located. Select a position for the valves that control the sprinkler zones and ensure the wires can easily reach.
- 3). Sprinkle lime to mark how the PVC pipes will lay in the yard, or stake a spot at the main line to run a plumb line just above the ground to mark the piping. Start at the sprinkler valve controls and then walk along the grass marking each spot farthest away from the controls. Mark where each sprinkler head will appear. Dig trenches six to eight inches deep following the marking.
- 4). Lay pipes in the trenches. Attach pipes to the main control valves. Unwrap the tape to attach the pipes. Use a PVC pipe cutter to cut the pipe, and install a riser for the sprinkler heads. Use adjustable elbow joints to attach the riser to the pipes to allow flexibility if the sprinkler heads are bumped by lawn mowers. Select either a 6-inch, 8-inch or 12-inch riser. Use plastic risers to make adjustments easier. Bond couplings with pipe sections using pvc cement. Wait one hour or longer for the cement to bond. Turn on water to flush lines before attaching sprinkler heads. Turn off immediately after turning on to avoid flooding over the risers.
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Troubleshoot connections before covering with sod.water sprinkler closeup in fountain image by MAXFX from
Attach sprinkler heads, and inspect both the water flow and strength of pvc pipes at joints. Cover the sprinkler pipes with sod and tamp down lightly. File the graph for future reference.