Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Writing - 5 Tips For Finding Ideas

Capture those ideas.
If you are looking for writing ideas make sure you have a method for capturing your thoughts as they come.
Unfortunately, ideas have a way of arriving at the most inconvenient times.
Like when you are dining out, at work, or heaven forbid, on the toilet! Carry a notepad and pen, hand-held recorder or notebook.
If this is not possible then learn to capture your ideas and commit them to memory by visualisation (more on that at another time).
Write about what you know.
The old, often quoted, "write what you know".
This is truly a good place to gather ideas.
Think about what you know and jot down some keywords.
Then develop those ideas into articles or pieces of fiction.
Don't let your mind say "that wouldn't be worth writing about".
Silence your inner critic and get the ideas down in a brainstorming session.
The time for sussing out the good against the bad will come later.
Read tidbits on the internet by doing a search of random words or looking at current news articles.
Don't just search for words, look at pictures too.
Often times these can inspire your thinking.
Look at the photo or the article and let your imagination run through all the circumstances and events that may or may not come from the photo or article you have viewed.
Free write.
Just write.
Do this by asking yourself a question, like, "What do you want to write about today?" If you can't answer, say to yourself, "Why?"  and just keep going.
Eventually you will overcome your own resistance and something will be written.
Don't be obsessed that it may not be good enough.
Then practice doing this everyday.
Blurbs from books.
Blurbs are a great source for ideas.
Blurbs on the back of books are written to give intrigue to get the reader to imagine what may or may not happen.
These blurbs are designed to get your imagination going.
If the blurb is well written it will be suspenseful and interesting - It will pique your interest and from there the Author hopes to get you to read his/her work.
If you read a few blurbs and can resist actually reading the book itself then you can concoct a world of your own and start writing.
Write as often as you eat; you may get fat or you might get published!"

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