Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Busting Fat Loss Lies

It pays a lot to understand the biggest lies lurking in the weight loss and fitness world. Once you understand these myths, you are taking a big leap in reaching your goals in your weight loss journey.

The big lie is... that the aerobic regimen and high carb meals are the best weapons to bust the fat.

Think about that for a minute. Check out these dieticians when you get the chance to. How many of them look healthy and fit? Not many? How many of them look tired, unfit, obese -- just plain unhealthy?

A lot of them, right? Surprised? The problem is, these people are supposed to be "experts," and yet they are "drinking the Kool-Aid" that says that cardiovascular exercise and high carbohydrate diets are the way to go when it comes to losing weight. Fact is, this is what truly makes you fat.

Let me say that again. Yep, the "religious truth" of most weight-loss experts is in fact false, and is keeping us fat. What IS the truth, then?

Fitness centers' truth is the real thing. That is, high-intensity interval training and a high-protein diet is really going to get and keep you slim.


Because cardiovascular exercise is really, really ineffective when it comes to promoting weight loss. One study showed that when participants did 40 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise three times a week, they actually GAINED weight. By contrast, a group that did 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training for 20 minutes -- that's half the time -- 3 times a week lost weight. In fact, they lost about 5 pounds in 16 weeks without really trying.

The thing is, high-intensity interval training IS cardiovascular exercise -- it really gets that ticker pumping, in other words -- but it's cardiovascular exercise that works your other muscles, too, and that's what burns the fat off your middle. What happens is you increase muscle mass, then increase your metabolism and end up losing weight at a faster rate. Couple that with a high-protein low carbohydrate diet to combat the insulin resistance so many overweight people are fighting, and you'll see that these fitness centers are right. You will lose the fat and retain lean muscle mass efficiently.

So don't listen to the lie that cardiovascular exercise and a high carbohydrate diet will give you weight loss. One look at the so-called "experts" who are themselves struggling with obesity will tell you that. Instead, focus on many fitness centers' truth, which is that a high-protein, low carbohydrate diet and efficient, high-intensity interval training is the way to go if you REALLY want to lose weight.

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