Home & Garden Home Improvement

Housewife Hardships

It's never been an easy job - being a housewife.
And though it's hard to even imagine the days before washing machines (or microwaves, for that matter), the modern housewife has demands that leave her with little free time either, it seems, and the overall stress level has surely risen, even though the job may not be quite as physically demanding as it once was.
Not that it isn't physically demanding now, as any housewife will attest.
No, the modern housewife may not be doing washing with a galvanized tub and a washboard anymore, but the job still demands long hours for what may sometimes seem like little reward.
Personally, I think it's great that some women are still able to stay at home and keep house and raise the kids, and perhaps it's the working mums who deserve the most sympathy, but I can attest that my working day is long and tiring, being the mother of 3 young boys.
I get up at 5:30 a.
to prepare breakfast for my hubby and the kids and to get them and their clothes ready for work and school.
I iron my husband's shirt every morning, and I make lunches for my two school age kids, while tending to and feeding our 3 year old.
And that's just the beginning! I manage to gulp a little coffee and eat some breakfast before seeing the two older ones off to school and then I begin my daily housework.
I go to the market almost every day because I like cooking fresh and planning the evening meal around what looks tempting and ripe, so my morning is pretty full between the vacuuming, sweeping, shopping and chasing the younger one around the home.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
I take a little break at lunch and I might have a little time in the afternoon to talk to a friend or my Mum on the telephone, but I'm usually busy doing something else at the same time.
It seems like I'm busy until the last kid is in bed, so I don't understand how working mothers do it.
They have my total sympathy! I do have a guilty secret, though.
I have a maid come in once a week, and she is a real blessing! My husband said we can afford it, and that he thinks I work too hard (bless his heart!) and so I called a domestic cleaning service a friend recommended just to see what they charged.
I was surprised to find out how reasonable their fees were so I hired one and I'm so glad I did.
She can do more in one day than I seem to accomplish in three and I do find more quality time now to spend with my husband and the kids.
For domestic cleaning London offers lots of choices in every neighborhood and I can't imagine life without my maid now!

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