Health & Medical Women's Health

How to Get Rid of Foul Vaginal Odor Completely - Easy Home Remedies for Fast Relief

Foul vaginal odor is a common problem which most women face.
It is just not the odor which causes discomfort to us.
It affects our self-esteem and level of confidence.
It makes us avoid our male partners.
A friend of mine who suffered from this problem used to constantly worry that someone might catch her smell at work! My advice to women suffering from vagina odor problem is not to despair.
It is a condition which responds extremely well to home cures.
You can control your odor and prevent it too.
Here are some natural cures which you can rely upon to get fast relief from vaginal smell: 1.
Soak a tampon in plain, unflavored, unsweetened yogurt and place directly inside the vagina.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is slightly acidic in nature and very effective to restore the vaginal ph balance.
Dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 4 ounces of water.
Dip a tampon in this solution and insert in the vagina for an hour.
It is best to abstain from sex completely till your odor disappears.
Even if you have intercourse, always make use of condoms.
Sanitary protection
In some women vagina odor becomes pronounced during or after the monthly cycle.
To avoid this you must change your sanitary protection at regular intervals even if your flow is light.
It is essential that you remove your tampon at the end of the cycle.
I too was a chronic sufferer of foul vaginal odor.
I put up with my odor until I discovered online help which gave me relief in matter of days.
No doubt, I had to try out more than one remedy prescribed for foul odor cure.
However the relief that I got was a permanent one and my smell has not come back for over three months now.

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