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Why the White Buffalo?

I’ve lived in New Mexico for nearly a decade, and I’ve enjoyed many weird and wonderful explorations throughout the state; but not much else can compare to seeing a white buffalo on display in the infamous recovering ghost town of Madrid, New Mexico.

Why is the white buffalo such an amazing creature? It’s rare and somehow pristine, but it also offers hope for the future —- not just because of the mythic Native American tale about the White Buffalo Calf Woman, but also just because the anomalous creature managed to survive.

Whatever else is happening in the economy, the creature stands as a very striking example of beating the odds, which makes us all imagine that nearly anything is suddenly possible.
Also read: The Story of the White Buffalo

Why is the White Buffalo Collectible?

Like the Kachina doll, or any of the other collectible Native American items, there are a number of reasons why the white buffalo figurines and other items are so popular:
  • Historical significance: The bison (or buffalo) has been an important part of the history of the Native American people. They were a source of food, but they were also a symbol of strength abundance.
  • The Story: The legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman explains where the seven sacred ceremonies come from (as well as the White Buffalo Bundle), and it also offers a glimmer of hope for the future (she will return to retrieve the bundle, simultaneously returning balance and harmony to the people).
  • Spiritual: More than many other figures or symbols in Native American mythology, the white buffalo is a representation of purity, wholeness and the sacred.
  • Rarity: If there were hundreds of white buffalo running the plains, the value and mythic dimension of the creature would not be what it has become. Because so few white buffaloes exist, the figurines and other representations of the creature take on a unique, more desirable quality.
  • Good Luck: While this would likely fall into the realm of superstition and old-wive’s tales, there’s that unmistakable feeling that touching a white buffalo (or owning one of the artifacts or figures) will somehow bring good fortune to the collector/owner.

What’s Authentic White Buffalo?

The same rule applies here (as you’ll discover with other collectible items): If it looks too good to be true, it may very well be a fake. For white buffalo collectibles, it’s always better to find a seller who either creates the items him/herself or someone you feel you can trust to give you the whole truth regarding the origin and worth of the items. Always: don’t just blindly trust. Verify.
With Native American collectibles (and white buffalo collectibles are no different), you’ll find that if the piece is overly ornate, with bold, even over-the-top-striking colors, you can bet it’s not a traditionally fashioned piece. Of course, if you are seeking out a more modernist design for your collection, the non-traditional flavor of the piece may be just what you’re looking for. (If you’re looking for those non-traditional pieces, you can ask the seller to connect you with the artist—to find similar pieces that you’ll likely love. Also, the seller may already have a number of pieces by the same artist, for you to review and consider as additions to your collection.)

If you’re seeking items that will be of a higher value in your collection, you’ll also want to check to see if the figurine or other item is being mass produced. (It’s usually fairly easy to tell, because the white buffalo will look a little too perfect.) Of course, there’s a wide selection of white buffalo collectibles—in nearly every imaginable form.

Where do I find White Buffalo Artists + Collectibles?

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