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Who and What Are the Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters were once just like you and I; going through the difficulties and vexations of life. They held onto their religious convictions and strove to imitate the path of Christ or Buddha; as they held their ground they paid off their debts to life, balanced the threefold flame of love, wisdom, and ability in their heart, and completed their Divine Destiny in the earth. It is a good thing to find out who are the Ascended Masters.

How They Ascended

In doing so they no longer were needed to reincarnate; they became liberated and they were then able to fully embody the capabilities, spirituality, and full mightiness of their higher selves. They were able to fully unify their souls with their Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self in the rite of the Ascension, and they became like stars in the sky. You could say that it is the men and women that graduated from the classroom of earthly existence who are the Ascended Masters.

When you ascend you have a number of options available to you. You can move other worlds and serve life in ways we can't even begin to understand, or you can choose to remain closely allied to the yet-unascended humankind and continue to help them from religious levels using their great accumulated love, wisdom, and religious ability to guide, teach, and protect them in their own religious journeys.

What They Do

The Ascended Masters work all around us, but we don't really see or directly comprehend their presence in our lives. This is because the Ascended Masters are forbidden from meddling with our free will or unnecessarily upsetting the already-delicately-framed karmic circumstances of our lives. That is, unless they are mightily appealed to in determined prayer to intervene. The fact is the Ascended Masters work very strongly within the boundaries of cosmic law to assist us in every way possible. You may never know just how much they saved you from all sorts of tragedy in your life.

The Ascended Masters are also our initiators; that is, they act as step-down generators of the higher light and energy of worlds beyond us. They charge us with divine light for our healing, clarification, and good fortune; and they guide us through the worst of our karmic challenges. They are closely involved in work of our own Ascension in the Light, which is not a action that has a clearly outlined beginning and ending; it is a work that takes all our life, if not many lifetimes.

Some of Their Names

Some noteworthy Ascended Masters are Saint Germain, El Morya, and Kuthumi. There is also the Master Jesus, Gautama Buddha, Archangel Michael, and Mother Mary. In fact there are innumerable legions of ascended beings; they live in the infinite mind of God and they are always as close as a breath, prayer, or thought. They are approachable to us through The Call; they cannot act in our lives unless we call to them. So, by all means, make the call today!

Who are the Ascended Masters? They are your greatest friends and defenders, and they cannot steer you wrong. You can learn more about them at the site

Copyright 2008 Curtis Burns

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