Septic Tanks: The Myths Vs Facts About Septic Maintenance
Working in the septic cleaning service, I hear a lot of myths about the septic tank system.
Some myths seem to make sense, while others are very misleading.
After years of working in the septic cleaning industry, I want to address the myth versus the facts about the septic system.
You may be aware of some of the myths about maintenance of the septic system; some you may not.
Hopefully, this article will clear up some of the inaccuracies, or confirm what you might already know! Probably the number one septic issue I hear is how often a septic tank needs to be cleaned or pumped out.
First off, it is a myth that the septic tank never needs cleaning.
The reason is that a septic tank is only a holding tank.
Normally, water from a septic tank flows out into a drain field, while the solids remain in the tank and sink to the bottom, gradually becoming sludge.
Eventually that sludge will rise up over the years to the inlets and outlets, thus requiring a pumping out.
If this sludge is not removed, it could enter the drain field and/or back up into the home.
If the sludge gets into the drain field it will clog the lines and cause costly repairs.
Countless times, I hear people say that the tank has never been cleaned or it has been many years.
Sure, there may be no obvious signs, but trust me --there is damage being done.
Unfortunately, by the time some one calls us after there's been no maintenance done for their system or it's been a long time between cleanings, the septic tank technician will find the drain field unable to perform its job of receiving water because it has become clogged with sludge.
It has been proven that, if the septic system is properly maintained, it is possible for a drain field to have a very long, very dependable life span.
That is why it is important to take care of the main system! A very popular myth (that is quite common on TV) is that adding over-the-counter additives will keep the septic system clean and eliminate the need for actually cleaning out the tank itself.
All those additives do is break down solids in the septic tank, thus increasing the fluid amount within the tank, which in turn adds extra pressure on the drain field's ability to pull the water from the main tank.
This can incredibly shorten the life span of a drain field.
The minimum "life" is 15 years, but a properly maintained field can last much longer.
Finally, there is a myth about whether or not chemicals-- such as bleach, medications, detergent, and various disinfectants --being able to harm a septic system.
Quite simply:Yes.
Said chemicals definitely can.
Medications tend to make it into the surrounding ecosystem, harming the environment.
The other chemicals, like bleach and disinfectant, destroy the normal bacteria which naturally break down solids inside a septic tank.
It is best to limit the amount of chemicals coming into the septic system.
Better yet, it is advisable to have a separate system for the washing machine to avoid detergents and bleaches entering the main septic system.
Frankly, it is important to properly clean a septic tank to save yourself thousands of dollars on a replacement drain field.
All these myths are confirmed as only misinformation because, again, the septic tank is only a holding tank.
It does and will need to be cleaned out periodically.
By that, anywhere from 3 to 6 years for a cleaning; dependent upon how many people are using the system.
Some myths seem to make sense, while others are very misleading.
After years of working in the septic cleaning industry, I want to address the myth versus the facts about the septic system.
You may be aware of some of the myths about maintenance of the septic system; some you may not.
Hopefully, this article will clear up some of the inaccuracies, or confirm what you might already know! Probably the number one septic issue I hear is how often a septic tank needs to be cleaned or pumped out.
First off, it is a myth that the septic tank never needs cleaning.
The reason is that a septic tank is only a holding tank.
Normally, water from a septic tank flows out into a drain field, while the solids remain in the tank and sink to the bottom, gradually becoming sludge.
Eventually that sludge will rise up over the years to the inlets and outlets, thus requiring a pumping out.
If this sludge is not removed, it could enter the drain field and/or back up into the home.
If the sludge gets into the drain field it will clog the lines and cause costly repairs.
Countless times, I hear people say that the tank has never been cleaned or it has been many years.
Sure, there may be no obvious signs, but trust me --there is damage being done.
Unfortunately, by the time some one calls us after there's been no maintenance done for their system or it's been a long time between cleanings, the septic tank technician will find the drain field unable to perform its job of receiving water because it has become clogged with sludge.
It has been proven that, if the septic system is properly maintained, it is possible for a drain field to have a very long, very dependable life span.
That is why it is important to take care of the main system! A very popular myth (that is quite common on TV) is that adding over-the-counter additives will keep the septic system clean and eliminate the need for actually cleaning out the tank itself.
All those additives do is break down solids in the septic tank, thus increasing the fluid amount within the tank, which in turn adds extra pressure on the drain field's ability to pull the water from the main tank.
This can incredibly shorten the life span of a drain field.
The minimum "life" is 15 years, but a properly maintained field can last much longer.
Finally, there is a myth about whether or not chemicals-- such as bleach, medications, detergent, and various disinfectants --being able to harm a septic system.
Quite simply:Yes.
Said chemicals definitely can.
Medications tend to make it into the surrounding ecosystem, harming the environment.
The other chemicals, like bleach and disinfectant, destroy the normal bacteria which naturally break down solids inside a septic tank.
It is best to limit the amount of chemicals coming into the septic system.
Better yet, it is advisable to have a separate system for the washing machine to avoid detergents and bleaches entering the main septic system.
Frankly, it is important to properly clean a septic tank to save yourself thousands of dollars on a replacement drain field.
All these myths are confirmed as only misinformation because, again, the septic tank is only a holding tank.
It does and will need to be cleaned out periodically.
By that, anywhere from 3 to 6 years for a cleaning; dependent upon how many people are using the system.