Health & Medical Women's Health

Remedies For Lack of Libido at Menopause

It has been observed in scientific studies that loss of libido is increasingly being reported by both men and women. While it was known that most people would loss desire for sex at the age of 45 years and above, the age is now dropping. In the USA, 4 out of every 10 women report not enjoying their sexual life. This is very close to the male statistics in the States and in UK.

The age above 45 is known as the menopause age, at this stage in life, it is expected that most women would lose their desire for sex. This is due to the hormonal changes such as drop in levels of estrogen hormone.

The dropping age for menopause and the increasing number of women reporting loss of libido at menopause is definitely a cause for concern. Just what could be contributing to this?

One of the proposals or theories is that life has become just too fast. You will agree with me that in most countries such as the USA, many people are now forced to do two or three jobs. This means that there is simply no time to communicate between sexually active individuals. Stress levels have also been increasing and this means that it has effect on hormonal balance, and robes away the mood for sex.

There is an attempt to create contact through internet with sex hookers making it up. This simply ends up being a physical action without emotional satisfaction. This simply beats the definition of libido or sex drive as a psychic and emotional energy.

With this lack of communication even in earlier ages in life, women reaching menopause are less likely to have any residual desire for sex.

Here are some remedies for loss of libido at menopause:

Talk to your sex partner and a physician: talking about your lack of sexual satisfaction has the psychological effect of knowing that there are other who share your problem. Your sex partner also gets to take responsibility in helping you to improve on your sex.

Learn new sex styles: there is never an end to learning, and new way of doing things often sparks a little more fire. Take the first step and register in a sexology class. This investment will surely be worthy.

Eat healthy: junk foods such as French fries on daily basis would not give you the proteins and vitamins that you need to replenish your body cells. This will also improve the level of estrogen.

Exercise: physical stamina is key to improving libido at menopause. Simple aerobic exercises and those meant to strengthen eh vaginal muscles can be done at home with amazing results.

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