How to Treat Laser Hair Removal Burns
- 1). Apply a cold compress to the burned skin. Wrap an ice pack in a towel and hold it on the area for approximately 15 minutes. Take it off for 15 minutes before reapplying it to the area. Continue this process for one to two hours.
- 2). Spread a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream over the burned area. Available in most drug and grocery stores, hydrocortisone cream soothes irritated skin and reduces swelling.
- 3). Drink lots of water. Burned skin is severely dehydrated. It's important to hydrate it from the inside so aim for at least 64 ounces of water daily.
- 4). Pour milk on the burn. You can also dip a cotton ball in milk and hold it on the affected area for a few minutes. Milk contains naturally soothing properties which relieve pain.
- 5). Refrigerate a bottle of aloe vera gel for 20 minutes. Apply the gel to the burned area. This natural treatment hydrates the skin and relieves burning sensations. Choose all-natural aloe vera gel which is free of fragrances and dyes.
- 6). Stay out of the sun. Once you have a laser burn, your skin is incredibly susceptible to sun damage. If you must be outside, cover the area with protective clothing and sunscreen. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF level.
- 7). See a doctor if your laser burn doesn't improve. If it isn't healing properly, the burn may be infected.