The Price of Going Cheap When it Comes to Locksmiths
There are situations in life where we cannot be cheap, and one of that situations it's when we are dealing with a locksmith, I will tell you my story just to warn you about what are some things that can happens when it comes to going cheap in sensitive subjects like locksmiths.
I have always been a very saving person I do not like spending money without really needing it (yes I really love Walmart, Aldi, Lidl, and so on), I do pick and use every single coupon and discount that I could use and I sleep in front of electronic stores waiting for the Black Friday deals, but I have learned that when it comes to dealing with particularly issues like Locksmiths is better to go safe and not cheap.
Some days ago I got lockout from my home, it was pretty cold outside with some snow showers, so I needed to get inside my house the soonest as possible (I could catch a cold or the flu standing outside of my house because of the snow shower) so I Googled for local locksmiths around the area and I called up to four locksmiths companies asking for time and price, almost all of them has the same fees and response times, but for me it was really a lot of money just to pay for someone to came and open my house door, so I tried to go for the very cheap (and stupid) way, I tried to be a locksmith (yes, a very lame version of what a locksmith is supposed to be), I picked up my toolbox from the my car (always keep the tools there) and tried to unlock the security door of my house without being success but instead a disaster, the door lock was now broken because of my stupidness and ignorance.
So at this point I decided to call a locksmith but it wasn't going to be one the ridiculously expensive locksmith that I have found on Google, I need a very cheap locksmith so what I did is that Googled again for local locksmiths but instead of trying one of the locksmiths appearing on the first pages, I was going to call for a fee estimation in one of the last locksmiths that I have found on Google (bad idea), I called the cheap locksmith company and the estimation fee was simple just too good to be true (if it is too good to be true, chances are that it isn't true) I was very happy with estimated fee and the supposed response time so I gave my address to the locksmith and waited for him to come.
After an hour and half (and picked a horrible flu) the "locksmith" arrives to my house and fixed the original problem and the mess that I did trying to fix it by myself, and when it was time to pay I received the not very kind surprise.
It was more than 3 times the estimated fee that they gave me by the phone, the locksmiths said that the estimated fee it was just that an "estimation".
So there you go, I could easily avoid this horrible flu that I had up today and save some really good cash If wouldn't wanted to be a so cheap person when it comes to serious issues like lockouts and locks problems in general.
I have always been a very saving person I do not like spending money without really needing it (yes I really love Walmart, Aldi, Lidl, and so on), I do pick and use every single coupon and discount that I could use and I sleep in front of electronic stores waiting for the Black Friday deals, but I have learned that when it comes to dealing with particularly issues like Locksmiths is better to go safe and not cheap.
Some days ago I got lockout from my home, it was pretty cold outside with some snow showers, so I needed to get inside my house the soonest as possible (I could catch a cold or the flu standing outside of my house because of the snow shower) so I Googled for local locksmiths around the area and I called up to four locksmiths companies asking for time and price, almost all of them has the same fees and response times, but for me it was really a lot of money just to pay for someone to came and open my house door, so I tried to go for the very cheap (and stupid) way, I tried to be a locksmith (yes, a very lame version of what a locksmith is supposed to be), I picked up my toolbox from the my car (always keep the tools there) and tried to unlock the security door of my house without being success but instead a disaster, the door lock was now broken because of my stupidness and ignorance.
So at this point I decided to call a locksmith but it wasn't going to be one the ridiculously expensive locksmith that I have found on Google, I need a very cheap locksmith so what I did is that Googled again for local locksmiths but instead of trying one of the locksmiths appearing on the first pages, I was going to call for a fee estimation in one of the last locksmiths that I have found on Google (bad idea), I called the cheap locksmith company and the estimation fee was simple just too good to be true (if it is too good to be true, chances are that it isn't true) I was very happy with estimated fee and the supposed response time so I gave my address to the locksmith and waited for him to come.
After an hour and half (and picked a horrible flu) the "locksmith" arrives to my house and fixed the original problem and the mess that I did trying to fix it by myself, and when it was time to pay I received the not very kind surprise.
It was more than 3 times the estimated fee that they gave me by the phone, the locksmiths said that the estimated fee it was just that an "estimation".
So there you go, I could easily avoid this horrible flu that I had up today and save some really good cash If wouldn't wanted to be a so cheap person when it comes to serious issues like lockouts and locks problems in general.