Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Gangrene- A fatal skin condition of skin death

Gangrene has been associated mostly with problems of skin dying slowly as a result of blood not reaching the part of the body as a result of arterial blockage, arteriosclerosis, consumption of tobacco, diabetes, trauma etc. it is ultimately a part of the body that starts drying by decaying and the part to come off the body majorly a life threatening disease affecting millions around the world. Gangrene is caused by bacteria called clostridium perfringens. The common symptoms of gangrene are dry and shrunken skin often reddish black color, cold and numbness on the skin in case of dry gangrene. In case of wet gangrene fetid smell in the tissues, sores producing pus, swelling in the affected region, skin color changes from brown to reddish black. Gangrene is diagnosed as per the type such as dry gangrene, wet gangrene, internal gangrene, gas gangrene and necrotizing fasciitis.

They are explained in detail as below:

Dry gangrene: dry gangrene affects mostly the elderly individual as a result of arterial blockages especially in the feet and limbs. Here limited putrefaction takes place as there is no blood supply to the tissues of the feet. The putrefaction resembles like a mummified flesh which is red to blackish dry and shrunken skin. The gangrenous tissue gets separated by eventual falling off.

Wet gangrene: wet gangrene affects mostly the moist and soft tissues of the body such as the mouth, lungs and cervix. At this stage the bedsores starts appearing on the buttocks and heels. The wet gangrene is caused by saprogenic microorganisms which causes the infected tissues to emit fetid and decaying smell caused as a result of blood getting stagnated which provokes rapid growth of the bacteria and also secreting toxins causing internal septicemia and finally death.

Gas gangrene: here the clostridium perfringens bacteria begin to produce gas into the tissues and of the body which is extremely toxic as the gas spreads fast into the surrounding tissues. One can get gangrene diagnosed if he discovers color change on the skin and the skin turns numb or may be painful.

X ray, MRI and CT scans can help diagnose the type of gangrene one is suffering from. Treatments can be followed for gangrene. Usually surgical treatment is preferred for debridement. Antibiotic therapy and wound care. But the treatment may depend upon the type of gangrene one is suffering. Usually for dry gangrene treatment the surgeon surgically cuts the gangrenous tissue or dead part of the body. How much part of the tissue is removed depends upon the angiography done before the surgery to check the arterial blockage and till where the body part is decayed. Usually wet gangrene requires emergency medical attention. Surgical treatment of removal of decayed part is done. But that depends if the patient requires amputation of a limb incase of wet gangrene in feet and limbs. Antibiotics are also prescribed for patients with wet gangrene to kill the bacteria thriving in the tissues and many of them are required to stay in the intensive care unit that gives supportive care for this life threatening disease.

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