Business & Finance Corporations

The Ever-useful Badge Reel

A badge reel is a simple little gadget, a badge accessory that holds your badge in place with a retractable cord that allows you to latch it onto your clothing. It lets you comfortably walk around your place of work without having to hold onto your name badge or reach into your pocket every second to retrieve it (which shouldn't be a need anyway because most people in your workplace know who you are).

It also can give you a sense of belonging in your workplace given that most badge reels sport their companies name or a customized graphic. Many of them have a white label that features your company logo beneath a clear dome.

Business-wise, badge reels promote your company's brand – in some way it can be seen as a walking advertisement of sorts. Consider that you're at the grocery store doing some shopping. While deciding whether to buy green or red apples, someone sees your badge reel and strikes up a conversation with you about your line of work and your company. In the most unintentional manner you've now brought your organization and its goals to someone's attention (and you prepared to make a nice apple pie in the process). Who knows? Perhaps in the future this individual might contact your company for business or refer a friend.

Badge reels come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes, such as round and square, heavy duty and custom made. Heavy-Duty Custom Badge Reels, for example, are not your typical badge reels, and are made with high-quality, durable construction and are designed to withstand the roughest work environments. Most of them were also designed to hold clips, pins and magnets, useful for quick and easy attachment and detachment. Generally speaking, a cord is usually around 64 millimeters long and is rated for 100,000 pulls and fall within the range of $70 to $90.

I would defintely say that finding a good badge reel provider is a good thing for your company, especially since it seems to be the "in" thing right now. Don't take my word for it though; next time you're at a business event of some sort, or if you visit someone's office, take a look around and see if people are wearing them. Chances are that you will.

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