Business & Finance Social Media

How to Reach Out To Customers Through LinkedIn

If you are a company looking to reach out to potential customers, the world of social media must be embraced.
One of the biggest social media sites to burst out in the last couple of years is LinkedIn, which is designed to help bring companies, clients and customers closer together.
When most people think of LinkedIn, they imagine marketing to other businesses.
But if you are a company looking to bring in new customers and clients to your realm, you can still utilize LinkedIn.
Here are four ways to help bring in new customers by utilizing LinkedIn for Consumer Advertising.
Offer Discounts To Consumers Through Your Company Page One of the best ways to get both your current and your potential customers interested in your company is to offer them discounts through your page.
Your LinkedIn page is a great way to offer these discounts as you can set up a section on your page that link's to a variety of options that you are offering, as it won't just get them excited about your company today, but it will also keep them coming back in the future to check on more options.
Set Up LinkedIn Polls LinkedIn offers a variety of simple and creative ways to help brand your company, including an option to create polls that people can take when they are on your page.
You can set-up a pool consisting of five distinct questions that you can "brand" towards your company.
Once the poll is set up, a link is generated, as well as a code that can be generated through your blog and website.
Answer Related Questions There are a lot of potential customers asking questions on Linked In.
By looking through the site and seeking out the questions that people may have, you can answer them and hopefully turn them on to your company.
For example, if a person asks a question about the best ways to get flowers fast for a wedding and you run a flower shop in their area, by answering their question you may find yourself with their business.
There are plenty of questions put onto LinkedIn each day, meaning that there are ones that pertain to your business.
Groups Where Your Customers Live One of the coolest things that you can do with LinkedIn is to reach out to groups in the area that you operate in.
Because many people who use LinkedIn do it so that they can join groups to network, researching out through specific groups can help you bring yourself to the attention of like minded individuals in your area.
You can do look through groups by doing a quick search through the search engine Take some time to research the groups to figure out which ones make the most sense for your company.
You can join up to 50 groups, which you can then introduce yourself by posting a discussion.
Remember: you won't get everyone in the group, but you may find that you can get at least a handful interested in your company.
In conclusion, while LinkedIn has been considered to be more of a place to work with other businesses or people seeking a job, there are still ways to attract new customers.
By offering discounts, engaging with special tools, such as polls, answering questions, and participating in Groups, you will be able to attract new clients to your site quickly.

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