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Candle Making Molds - How to Choose the Perfect Mold For Your Project

The amount of candle making molds available to you is virtually endless allowing you to make a wide variety of different candles.
This article will discuss some of the more basic molds you can use to get started as well as the differences between them.
Just what exactly is a candle mold? It is simply the container that you pour your wax into as it cools.
Once the wax has cooled, it will hold the form of the mold.
Candle molds are constructed from many different styles, shapes and sizes so you should be able to find one easily that fits your needs.
Aluminum molds are fairly popular with candle makers of today mostly because of their sturdiness and resistance to heat.
They are mostly used to pillar and votive candles and when your candle is completed, it should have a smooth finish without visible seams in the candle.
Aluminum molds are relatively inexpensive in comparison to other molds.
One thing to be aware of though is that aluminum molds are not very flexible, so there are very small selections when choosing the shape and texture of your candle.
Opposite from aluminum molds, rubber molds are very flexible.
Latex, silicone and polyurethane fall under this category as well.
Though they are flexible, they do not stretch well.
A downside of rubber molds is that they will usually release a powerful odor that often times is passed along to your candle.
Popular shaped candles that employ rubber molds are pillar and taper candles.
Latex molds are falling out of popularity primarily due to the advances of the different types of rubber molds.
It is very easy to make your own molds at home by simply using liquid latex and painting onto a structure.
This process will require a large amount of latex but you find that you have many more options to create your own unique molds.
The least expensive option is a plastic mold but they are not always going to be your best choice Plastic candle molds are the least expensive but they're not always the best.
They have a tendency to not last as long as the other options as well as being fairly fragile.
However, they are very easy to wash and are a good mold for the novice candle maker.
Use the mold to get your feet wet and then when you feel comfortable you can begin investing in the other types of molds to achieve a variety of results.

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