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Some Basic Rules of Fundraising for Your Non Profit Organization

Considered as an ethical activity, your fundraising activity should preferably adhere to basic rules of personal integrity, public probity and accountability.
After all you're the cream society, who is on your way to make difference in the society, as well as creating a niche for yourself.
A deed well performed brings you accolades and an instant recognition.
However, you may need to subject your fundraising efforts to established norms of decency, probity and righteousness.
Here are some basic rules for you to abide, while you're on your march to find funds for your non profit: 1.
Establish your identity in clear terms either on line on your web site or through print media.
Be clear in your intentions and objectives; never project a wrong picture to the donors and the general public.
After all you're here to survive on a public and private donation, on pure philanthropic interests.
State your goals and priorities, without ambiguity and confusion.
Be clear in your projections, funding needs and delivery mechanism.
Attach qualities of trust, integrity, honesty and truth to your fundraising campaign.
Build your own brand; establish a niche for your campaign.
Project yourself to the outside world through online and offline efforts.
Your web portal is a beehive of fundraising activity and solicitation.
It is also a pure marketing activity and not a technology center.
Always drive your motto and content, and not technology.
Donors are your lifeline; create a foolproof mechanism to get friendly with those donors.
Integrate your fundraising activity as a tool of fun and thrill.
Create online donation page with a secure server, which is 100% safe and guaranteed.
Many fundraisers do sell lot of gifts and goods to raise funds; while it may OK as a short term goal, never forget that your aim is to achieve bigger goals.
Donors expect that their contributions are treated properly with trust and belief.
Never fail them.
Build an internet community of donor and well wishers; an internet community is a strong entity, which is powerful and resourceful.
Target your audience on the internet and drive them to your fundraising efforts.
Philanthropy may be a passionate hobby for you, but also remember that it is cause and need for others.
Never ever forget these basic rules while you fundraise for your non profit program.
Every business activity has its own ethics and practices, and fundraising is no different.
It is always said that fundraising is an ethical activity; never deviate from this simple principle.

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