Understanding More About the Paleo Diet
For those of you that aren't completely aware of all the low-carb diets that are available, you'll probably want to take notice of the Paleo Diet and what it has to offer.
In the paragraphs that follow you're going to discover more about the Paleo Diet, some of the misconceptions, the foods included in the diet, and how you can take control of your life by eating less carbohydrates, and enjoying real whole food.
The Paleo Diet Commonly referred to as the caveman diet, because of its reference to being a Stone Age diet, the Paleo Diet is really nothing more than eating foods that are all natural.
For instance, the types of foods that are considered to be acceptable in this diet will be those that would have been available during the Stone Age era.
This would consist of wild plants, nuts, vegetables, meat, fish, and whatever foods that could be consumed in their natural state.
Basically, this diet will only consist of foods that can be eaten naturally or prepared in a way that is very simple.
After all, our ancestors didn't have electric stoves, microwaves, or other modern devices to prepare their food.
So, this diet is modeled after that type of lifestyle.
Now, although the food is based on that lifestyle, how you acquire the food will be much different.
Of course, you won't go out hunting your own food, picking your own vegetables, or running from wild animals, but you will make basic selections of foods that are all natural and whole.
Food Preparation for the Paleo Diet Believe it or not, there is a Paleo Diet plan that can be picked up that will guide you through the entire food process.
After all, food is the main lifestyle change you'll have to get used to when participating in this diet.
There are four main food groups you will need to consider when choosing this particular diet.
* Meat * Raw Vegetables * Nuts * Fruits Any foods that will be prepared will need to follow the guidelines set down by strict Paleo recipes.
These recipes will focus on the items listed above.
When choosing meats, they will need to be lean meat and not anything that is overcome with fat.
Seafood is an ideal choice for meat, so this is something you may want to consider.
Raw vegetables will be extremely important in this diet because they contain a number of vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.
If you plan to cook vegetables, you'll find that the recipes will limit the cook time in order to preserve the natural nutrients and vitamins found in all vegetables.
An excellent source of protein and fiber will come in the form of nuts.
Nuts can be eaten on this diet because they provide the body with proper nutrients and they help to balance out the entire meal plan.
Nuts that are very common in this diet will be Macadamia nuts, walnuts, almonds, and Brazilian nuts.
The diet does not call for cashews or peanuts because they contain a high fat content.
Lastly, fruits will be accepted in this diet because they help to detoxify the body and cleanse the colon.
In addition, fruits are full of antioxidants which the body needs in order to function properly.
So, if you've been thinking about the Paleo Diet as an alternative, the information here will allow you to make an educated decision whether this type of diet will work for you and allow you to lose weight and stay healthy.
In the paragraphs that follow you're going to discover more about the Paleo Diet, some of the misconceptions, the foods included in the diet, and how you can take control of your life by eating less carbohydrates, and enjoying real whole food.
The Paleo Diet Commonly referred to as the caveman diet, because of its reference to being a Stone Age diet, the Paleo Diet is really nothing more than eating foods that are all natural.
For instance, the types of foods that are considered to be acceptable in this diet will be those that would have been available during the Stone Age era.
This would consist of wild plants, nuts, vegetables, meat, fish, and whatever foods that could be consumed in their natural state.
Basically, this diet will only consist of foods that can be eaten naturally or prepared in a way that is very simple.
After all, our ancestors didn't have electric stoves, microwaves, or other modern devices to prepare their food.
So, this diet is modeled after that type of lifestyle.
Now, although the food is based on that lifestyle, how you acquire the food will be much different.
Of course, you won't go out hunting your own food, picking your own vegetables, or running from wild animals, but you will make basic selections of foods that are all natural and whole.
Food Preparation for the Paleo Diet Believe it or not, there is a Paleo Diet plan that can be picked up that will guide you through the entire food process.
After all, food is the main lifestyle change you'll have to get used to when participating in this diet.
There are four main food groups you will need to consider when choosing this particular diet.
* Meat * Raw Vegetables * Nuts * Fruits Any foods that will be prepared will need to follow the guidelines set down by strict Paleo recipes.
These recipes will focus on the items listed above.
When choosing meats, they will need to be lean meat and not anything that is overcome with fat.
Seafood is an ideal choice for meat, so this is something you may want to consider.
Raw vegetables will be extremely important in this diet because they contain a number of vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.
If you plan to cook vegetables, you'll find that the recipes will limit the cook time in order to preserve the natural nutrients and vitamins found in all vegetables.
An excellent source of protein and fiber will come in the form of nuts.
Nuts can be eaten on this diet because they provide the body with proper nutrients and they help to balance out the entire meal plan.
Nuts that are very common in this diet will be Macadamia nuts, walnuts, almonds, and Brazilian nuts.
The diet does not call for cashews or peanuts because they contain a high fat content.
Lastly, fruits will be accepted in this diet because they help to detoxify the body and cleanse the colon.
In addition, fruits are full of antioxidants which the body needs in order to function properly.
So, if you've been thinking about the Paleo Diet as an alternative, the information here will allow you to make an educated decision whether this type of diet will work for you and allow you to lose weight and stay healthy.