Health & Medical Anti Aging

How to Stop Reflecting Your Age on Your Face

In order to look and feel young, you need the following:- 1.
sleep 2.
exercise 3.
proper relaxation time 4.
reduced level of stress 5.
balanced diet 6.
healthy self-esteem These are just 6 items that I am looking at but there is an endless number of things that I can think of about how to keep from aging prematurely.
If you keep to at least the above list, you'll not only keep aging at bay, but you'll also start slowing down the aging process.
Sooner than you know, you'll look a few years younger than your peers.
Sweet, sweet slumber Without the above, the first thing you'll feel is the inability to sleep well at night and that will lead to, naturally, fatigue during the day.
Fighting fatigue when you have to contend with bosses or customers all day long can cause you a lot of stress.
Combine that with unhealthy eating habits - that's like asking to age faster.
One of the first signs that life is getting to you is when you feel consistent ache on your shoulders and neck.
They're usually the first place to give you an indication that you need to do something about your lifestyle.
Dieting without a good cause Nothing runs you down faster than not consuming the right amount of good, nutritious food at the right time, paying particular attention to fruits and vegetables.
Your gender, weight, height, built, activity level and age plays a huge role in determining how much you need to eat to sustain your energy level.
The importance of water Believe it or not, when one is dehydrated, the body suffers and energy level drops.
You will have a harder time concentrating on tasks at hand despite being dehydrated.
By the time you feel thirsty, you're a little late.
So the first thing you need to do is to sit down and rate yourself according to the above list.
How far off are you and how are you going to remedy that.
Once you've got those down pat, that's when your face and body stops reflecting your age.

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