Prepare Your Child to Win the Rat Race by Learning Abacus
When there is no pen and paper available, people still do mathematics.
They do large calculations with the tool called "Abacus.
" The word "Abacus" comes from the Greek word "ABAX," meaning a calculating board or calculating table.
It is the resource for doing fast arithmetic operations.
This calculating tool has stringed beads enclosed in a rectangular frame.
Every bead in the string has some value which is further calculated to do faster calculations.
This is the highly efficient and knowledge gainer toy for kids between the age of 6-14.
It not only enhance their mathematical skills but it also work on their listening skills, confidence etc.
which is an important criteria for excelling in the competitive world.
Abacus boast the concentration power of kids which help then to outshine in their education.
we can do various mathematics related calculation over abacus like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication etc.
The abacus course for kids is generally designed in 8 modules.
It's classes being held on weekends only.
It's basically a fun learning interactive program-me for kids.
IT is an brain development program-me that help kids to beat the growing competition in the world.
After the completion of the course students will be able to add five-digit numbers in seconds! The following are the main benefits arrived out of this course:
They do large calculations with the tool called "Abacus.
" The word "Abacus" comes from the Greek word "ABAX," meaning a calculating board or calculating table.
It is the resource for doing fast arithmetic operations.
This calculating tool has stringed beads enclosed in a rectangular frame.
Every bead in the string has some value which is further calculated to do faster calculations.
This is the highly efficient and knowledge gainer toy for kids between the age of 6-14.
It not only enhance their mathematical skills but it also work on their listening skills, confidence etc.
which is an important criteria for excelling in the competitive world.
Abacus boast the concentration power of kids which help then to outshine in their education.
we can do various mathematics related calculation over abacus like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication etc.
The abacus course for kids is generally designed in 8 modules.
It's classes being held on weekends only.
It's basically a fun learning interactive program-me for kids.
IT is an brain development program-me that help kids to beat the growing competition in the world.
After the completion of the course students will be able to add five-digit numbers in seconds! The following are the main benefits arrived out of this course:
- Concentration
- Calculation
- Speed and accuracy
- Confidence
- Listening Skills
- Visualizing skills