Habu.tv Sets It" s Sites On Us Expat Iptv Market In Singapore And Hong Kong
IPTV in Singapore and Hong Kong that provides quality reliable HD programming with over 250 channels of live American programming streaming with 2Mbps guaranteed bandwidth to each Customer's set-top box is here with Habu.TV. Talking with Mr. Clay Cook, the CEO/Chairman of Vision One Global Communications, a full-service communications provider to the the large contingent of US Military and Expats living in Japan, says the road has not been without it's "pot-holes". "We have been through no less than 3 different providers and potential providers of the IPTV services we were searching for to find the absolute finest quality, reliability, and user-friendly solution that meets all the legal requirements in the US for our Constituents here.", says Clay. "One might think that it would be easy to find such a solution...but marrying 2 or 3 parties to ensure that the Customer receives the absolute best service for the best price...and meets all the other criteria mentioned...has been a long and bumpy road."
"The great news for the markets here in Singapore and Hong Kong is that now we have it...and are live. With over 250 channels of quality US TV programming streamed directly to anywhere in the world utilizing SlingBox technology with an actual set-top box solution to your TV and or computer, you can now watch all of your favorite TV shows, dramas, pro-sports, college sports, movies, news, entertainment. Our channel line-up includes: Every HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Netflix, ESPN, FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, BET, MTV, digital music radio with every genre, Sci-FI, Discovery, Disney, History, Nat Geo, and so much more!"
I asked Mr. Cook what separates your www.Habu.TV service from the rest of the pack of newly formed IPTV services being offered? "Well, simply put, we have the entire solution, not only the SlingBox streaming to your computer, but we offer the SlingCatcher set-top box decoder using SlingMedia's advanced IPTV network with their proprietary compression that allows for higher quality streaming with lower bandwidth requirements on the Client's viewing end. Legalities are always a major concern; and with our legal team in New York, we believe that we have met all guidelines and criteria based on current laws on the books covering IPTV. The real difference here is that every Customer is simultaneously signed up for an actual cable subscription of their own in the US; so in effect, you are complying with the laws by just "time-shifting" your programming and watching it elswhere. In the country where the Expat will view the service, the local laws aren't infringed upon because we are not broadcasting in that country."
Bandwidth is the main stumbling block that prevents IPTV service in some developing countries in Asia. Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore are all "pretty good", says Clay. "However, there are many Expats and US Government employees living in say Thailand and Phillippines that want our services; and this provides them with the ability to watch their TV as well. All they have to do to test their bandwidth is click for a free demo and download the software to their computer and see for themselves...very easy."
"We are excited about the prospects of approaching the various US Expat and Government agencies in the region and actually showing them working demos with the set-top boxes. We believe that when they see the high-quality of the picture and reliability of the stream with the ability to record or time-shift their programming and watch it later on our hosted DVR's, it will be an easy choice." says Clay.
Indeed I have checked out the site and it is live. Just go to www.Habu.TV and see for yourself what you might be missing. You can contact Habu.TV at their offices in Japan at 81-98-921-7001.
"Hook A Brotha Up with Some TV man!"
"The great news for the markets here in Singapore and Hong Kong is that now we have it...and are live. With over 250 channels of quality US TV programming streamed directly to anywhere in the world utilizing SlingBox technology with an actual set-top box solution to your TV and or computer, you can now watch all of your favorite TV shows, dramas, pro-sports, college sports, movies, news, entertainment. Our channel line-up includes: Every HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Netflix, ESPN, FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, BET, MTV, digital music radio with every genre, Sci-FI, Discovery, Disney, History, Nat Geo, and so much more!"
I asked Mr. Cook what separates your www.Habu.TV service from the rest of the pack of newly formed IPTV services being offered? "Well, simply put, we have the entire solution, not only the SlingBox streaming to your computer, but we offer the SlingCatcher set-top box decoder using SlingMedia's advanced IPTV network with their proprietary compression that allows for higher quality streaming with lower bandwidth requirements on the Client's viewing end. Legalities are always a major concern; and with our legal team in New York, we believe that we have met all guidelines and criteria based on current laws on the books covering IPTV. The real difference here is that every Customer is simultaneously signed up for an actual cable subscription of their own in the US; so in effect, you are complying with the laws by just "time-shifting" your programming and watching it elswhere. In the country where the Expat will view the service, the local laws aren't infringed upon because we are not broadcasting in that country."
Bandwidth is the main stumbling block that prevents IPTV service in some developing countries in Asia. Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore are all "pretty good", says Clay. "However, there are many Expats and US Government employees living in say Thailand and Phillippines that want our services; and this provides them with the ability to watch their TV as well. All they have to do to test their bandwidth is click for a free demo and download the software to their computer and see for themselves...very easy."
"We are excited about the prospects of approaching the various US Expat and Government agencies in the region and actually showing them working demos with the set-top boxes. We believe that when they see the high-quality of the picture and reliability of the stream with the ability to record or time-shift their programming and watch it later on our hosted DVR's, it will be an easy choice." says Clay.
Indeed I have checked out the site and it is live. Just go to www.Habu.TV and see for yourself what you might be missing. You can contact Habu.TV at their offices in Japan at 81-98-921-7001.
"Hook A Brotha Up with Some TV man!"