Health & Medical Mental Health

Tips to Prevent Panic Attacks - Eliminate Attacks Without Medication

Panic attacks are very scary.
An episode can last for minutes or even hours.
Following are some tips to prevent panic attacks which you can use to get control and eliminate panic attacks.
A panic attack is a specific episode in which a person experiences intense anxiety and/or fear.
People have panic attacks for a variety of reasons.
To conquer your ailment, you must try to find out exactly what causes your attacks.
Most people believe that stress plays a large role in triggering panic attacks.
Through the use of these tips, you can reduce the stress in your life and hopefully the associated attacks.
Nobody knows your body better than you do.
If stress is the major cause of your panic attacks, you need to get a handle on what truly stresses you out.
It may not be what you think.
Do some soul searching and talk to your medical provider about how you can lower your stress levels.
Look at what's going on in your life that might be creating stressful situations and find ways to eliminate or reduce them.
Here are some stress reducing tips to prevent panic attacks from occurring.
- Get regular massages.
This relieves tension.
- Cut down on the junk food.
Eat healthy meals, especially breakfast.
- Get enough sleep.
Your body rejuvenates while it is at rest.
- Exercise is a wonderful stress reliever.
Get regular exercise and keep your body in shape.
- Reduce (or eliminate) your alcohol and drug intake.
This includes tobacco.
- Reduce or eliminate caffeine drinks like coffee, tea and soda.
Caffeine in known to increase anxiety.
It also can cause insomnia which does not allow the body to get its needed rest.
The last tips are important.
Alcohol and drugs have long been accepted ways to cope with stress and anxiety.
Alcohol and/or drugs, even prescribed drugs, can create other problems.
Try to get your body as clean as you can to reduce the amount of internal stress you have on it.
You will be able to come up with your own tips to prevent panic attacks as you become more educated about your illness and recommended treatments.

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