Garden Bulletin Board Ideas
- Create an informative garden bulletin board with photos and descriptions of a variety of herbs. The photos can be a close-up of the stem alongside a shot of the full plant. The descriptive information should include culinary, medicinal or aromatherapy uses for each herb. Mention tips for growing and harvesting the herbs in your area.
- Tulips and daffodils let us know spring has arrived. They also help make a bright and cheerful bulletin board, scattered in bunches of color around a center fountain with water "springing" forth from the fountain to lightly spray the blossoms. Your garden fountain can have a mosaic design, with bits of colored tissue covering the exterior. Baby rabbits might be sneaking in for a closer look and birds may be hovering around the fountain, deciding whether or not to light for a drink.
- Create a bulletin board that beats the summer heat with a hammock along one side, beneath the branches of a large maple or oak tree. The view from the hammock is of a small garden pond, practically covered with flowering water lilies and with one or two frogs lounging comfortably on the edges. Tall bloomers like cannas and sunflowers border the distance, and bursts of color from daylilies, hydrangea and miniature gardenia bushes dot the landscape.
- Create a cobblestone garden path meandering along the center of your bulletin board, lined with maple trees in shades of red and gold. Fallen leaves are swirling in the distance and scattered along the pathway, with chrysanthemums in rich colors of yellow, red and purple lining the path between the trees. A small garden pond, surrounded by colorful leaves and blooming dahlias is all but neglected on one side of the pathway. Clumps of blooming salvia and calendula are boasting colors throughout the garden landscape.
- Cover your garden bulletin board with snow topping the roof of a garden shed and melting patches that dot the landscape. Groups of bright blue and yellow blooming snow crocus offset the stark winter white and trees with bare branches. Include a snow-topped birdhouse or two and an upside-down wheelbarrow as part of the visual.