Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Tips on Tweezing Your Eyebrows

First off, prior to tweezing your eyebrows, you have to choose the choice of three different types of tweezers - Thin tip (this should be used for plucking small fine hairs or ingrown hairs), Square tip (best for mass removal of hairs i.
loads of hair at the same time) or a slanted tip (gives you the best control).
Secondly, the eyebrows need to be prepared for tweezing.
You can either apply baby numbing gel (for gums) on the area which will reduce the pain during tweezing or just tweeze after showering.
Alternatively, you can apply ice cube to the area for a few seconds to numb the skin.
This will enable you to tweeze comfortably without the fear of pain.
A trick that professionals use is to measure where your outermost part of your nose is on each side and this should be the boundary (or where each eyebrow starts).
You can use a ruler or pencil to line this up.
Some beauticians also use this pencil approach to set where the peak of the arch should be and where the whole eyebrow should end.
In order to set where the peak of the brow should be, you use the pencil (while looking straight in the mirror) and measure it so that it hits the outermost part of your iris.
Where the pencil intersects with the top of the brow should be the peak.
Mark this with your eye pencil.
The arch of the eyebrow is totally dependent on the individual.
A rule of thumb though is that if you have thick hair and strong features, you should go with thick eyebrows.
However, if you have subtle features, you should go for a thinner eyebrow.
Start tweezing from the bottom first in the direction of the hair growth.
Make sure you use an eyelash brush while plucking to tweeze any hairs that fall outside the eyebrow line.
Finally, using the pencil method, measure where the pencil hits the outermost part of your eye socket - where this intersects with the eyebrow should be the end of your brow.
Tweeze any hairs that fall outside this boundary.

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