Twenty Six Years in Three Tubs
Twenty-six Years in Three Tubs
Hello again fellow Mountain Taker and welcome to the second of three installments of the account of the latest transitions in this Mountain Taker's life. Before I move on I want to thank all of you who have responded so positively to the first installment. I have posted some of your comments on my blog, which can be ofund on the Mountain Takers website by clicking on the Encouragement tab. I invite you all to check them out at "A Dangling Participle", and please feel free to comment.
Now it's on to today's revelation, in "Twenty-six Years in Three Tubs".
As I mentioned in the first installment, what I am sharing with you in this series are the surprising experiences I went through in the two day process of "folding up my tent" from my old life and taking yet another step into the new.
When I began the process of going through all the contents of my office at church I was not shocked by how much stuff I had accumulated over the years of pastoring. But, I was totally amazed to see that when all the personal files, memorabilia, plaques, certificates, and knick knacks one acquires in a nearly three decades long journey were sorted through, those that were ultimately to be saved could be contained in three 18 gallon plastic storage tubs!
Twenty-six years of life's work in three plastic tubs calls to mind and bears testimony to the Lord's words that man at his best is but mere breath. Three tubs don't seem like much. Yet, every item in those three tubs is filled with memories of the Lord's faithfulness and the amazing journey we've been on together and the people whose lives He's allowed us to touch and be touched by along the way. A journey I would not trade for anything!
Mountain taker, here is my take away for you in this installment. Every assignment has a beginning and an end. Just as there is a time for every purpose under heaven, there is a time to move on from one season to the next. What is important is what we carry with us as we move on. Be sure that what you take with you at each season's ending are the trophies of the Lord's grace and goodness. I have enough in those three tubs to celebrate for many years to come.
Have a great week on your Mountain!
Hello again fellow Mountain Taker and welcome to the second of three installments of the account of the latest transitions in this Mountain Taker's life. Before I move on I want to thank all of you who have responded so positively to the first installment. I have posted some of your comments on my blog, which can be ofund on the Mountain Takers website by clicking on the Encouragement tab. I invite you all to check them out at "A Dangling Participle", and please feel free to comment.
Now it's on to today's revelation, in "Twenty-six Years in Three Tubs".
As I mentioned in the first installment, what I am sharing with you in this series are the surprising experiences I went through in the two day process of "folding up my tent" from my old life and taking yet another step into the new.
When I began the process of going through all the contents of my office at church I was not shocked by how much stuff I had accumulated over the years of pastoring. But, I was totally amazed to see that when all the personal files, memorabilia, plaques, certificates, and knick knacks one acquires in a nearly three decades long journey were sorted through, those that were ultimately to be saved could be contained in three 18 gallon plastic storage tubs!
Twenty-six years of life's work in three plastic tubs calls to mind and bears testimony to the Lord's words that man at his best is but mere breath. Three tubs don't seem like much. Yet, every item in those three tubs is filled with memories of the Lord's faithfulness and the amazing journey we've been on together and the people whose lives He's allowed us to touch and be touched by along the way. A journey I would not trade for anything!
Mountain taker, here is my take away for you in this installment. Every assignment has a beginning and an end. Just as there is a time for every purpose under heaven, there is a time to move on from one season to the next. What is important is what we carry with us as we move on. Be sure that what you take with you at each season's ending are the trophies of the Lord's grace and goodness. I have enough in those three tubs to celebrate for many years to come.
Have a great week on your Mountain!