Health & Medical Parenting

Scale Engines

Puzzle and construction toys are the best kind of toys that you can get for your toddler.
By using a few guidelines in purchasing them, you can open your child's mind and creativity as well as giving him or her a very fun playtime.
Blocks are great for building small motor skills but be sure to get the type that are interlocking, that is, the large knobs on top of the block fit into the holes in the bottom of the next block.
These blocks take just enough skill to challenge a child but not so much as to defeat him.
The sense of accomplishment a child gets from fitting these blocks together will build her confidence and encourage her to try more elaborate structure.
Be sure that the blocks are too large to be swallowed or even placed in the mouth.
Another type of block that will bring fun as well as advancement are the foam blocks that your toddler can play with in the bathtub.
Once wet, these blocks stick to the bathroom walls and the child can make an easily removable mural while he soaks.
You will, of course, be there with him and can make suggestions or talk with him about what he is building in the water or on the wall.
Bathtub foam toys are also available in different shapes such as sailboats, people, animals and other entertaining forms.
(Never leave a child under five alone in the bathtub even for a second, even to retrieve more toys or to answer the phone.
) Puzzles are another great way to have fun and learn simultaneously.
Your child may not be able to put the pieces together correctly right away but if the puzzle pieces are brightly colored and varied shapes, it will be fun for him to arrange them different ways.
She will have a lot of fun with the puzzles that have an animal, person, or vehicle completely on each piece.
Some children continue to play with their puzzles long after they've mastered them just to have fun with the pieces that depict those things.
Be sure that the puzzle pieces are large enough that they cannot be put in the mouth and swallowed.
Always try to play with your children instead of sitting them down with their toys and then doing something else yourself.
Your time with them at this point in their lives will make an indelible impression and give them security as well as confidence.
The bonds built as you play with your child, even for a few minutes, are indestructible and will have a positive influence on the rest of their lives.

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