Teen Seduction: Things Every Parent Should Know.
In today's technological environment it's become far too easy for any
pervert to gain access to a computer and pretend to be younger than they
actually are with the express purpose of seducing teenagers. It's a
sad fact of life that something that was designed to help us in life has
turned into the perfect tool for these degenerate's to use to procure
young children and teenagers from all walks of life.
Teen seduction is on the increase and is a constant worry to every
decent minded parent. If you are a parent with teenagers or young children
you should be on your guard if you notice any sudden changes in their
behaviour.That's not always easy especially where teenagers are
concerned as they are naturally changing during their teenage years.
Teenagers have that annoying habit of thinking they know everything and
usually don't want to listen to what a parent has to say, especially
if it's to do with sex. That's why you should make a special effort to
educate them about on-line teen seduction. The right kind of counselling
will make them think more about the dangers of on-line chat rooms.
Advise them not to give out any personal information such as age, where
they live, what school or college they attend. These are all facts that
an on-line predator can use to their advantage in their pursuit of
gaining a teenagers confidence.
Here are some of the warning signs to look out for.
" Is your child online late at night?
" Is the online activity excessive (over two hours on average per day)?
Not including home work.
" Is your child alone for most of the time during his or her online
" Is your child spending the majority of his or her time online in chat
" Is your child reluctant to talk about or evasive in describing his or
her online experiences?
Does your child minimize the screen on the computer when you walk by?
Or do you notice several programs showing in the task bar at the bottom
of the screen, but no programs active on the monitor? This is a sure
sign that something your child does not want you to see is hiding in the
task bar.
If you notice any hint of contact with an online predator make notes of
the chat screen name, the name of the chat room, and your ISP
information. These are all questions the police will ask you if you ever have
to contact them about this.
Remember Teen seduction is on the increase and it's up to us a parents
to educate our children before they fall prey to the online seductive
predators out there.
pervert to gain access to a computer and pretend to be younger than they
actually are with the express purpose of seducing teenagers. It's a
sad fact of life that something that was designed to help us in life has
turned into the perfect tool for these degenerate's to use to procure
young children and teenagers from all walks of life.
Teen seduction is on the increase and is a constant worry to every
decent minded parent. If you are a parent with teenagers or young children
you should be on your guard if you notice any sudden changes in their
behaviour.That's not always easy especially where teenagers are
concerned as they are naturally changing during their teenage years.
Teenagers have that annoying habit of thinking they know everything and
usually don't want to listen to what a parent has to say, especially
if it's to do with sex. That's why you should make a special effort to
educate them about on-line teen seduction. The right kind of counselling
will make them think more about the dangers of on-line chat rooms.
Advise them not to give out any personal information such as age, where
they live, what school or college they attend. These are all facts that
an on-line predator can use to their advantage in their pursuit of
gaining a teenagers confidence.
Here are some of the warning signs to look out for.
" Is your child online late at night?
" Is the online activity excessive (over two hours on average per day)?
Not including home work.
" Is your child alone for most of the time during his or her online
" Is your child spending the majority of his or her time online in chat
" Is your child reluctant to talk about or evasive in describing his or
her online experiences?
Does your child minimize the screen on the computer when you walk by?
Or do you notice several programs showing in the task bar at the bottom
of the screen, but no programs active on the monitor? This is a sure
sign that something your child does not want you to see is hiding in the
task bar.
If you notice any hint of contact with an online predator make notes of
the chat screen name, the name of the chat room, and your ISP
information. These are all questions the police will ask you if you ever have
to contact them about this.
Remember Teen seduction is on the increase and it's up to us a parents
to educate our children before they fall prey to the online seductive
predators out there.