Technology Electronics

How to Get Better Reception on TV Without Cable

    • 1). Check your antenna options. The antenna you choose needs to be able to receive two types of channels: VHF and UHF. If it cannot receive both, you won't have the best reception, or any at all, on the channels it cannot receive.

    • 2). Look for an antenna that includes amplification. An amplification feature will broaden the reception and give your TV a better quality picture.

    • 3). Get an outdoor antenna. Outdoor antennas will give you better reception without cable than indoor antennas. The higher up you can get the antenna, the better the reception you receive will be.

    • 4). Move your antenna around until you find the spot with the best possible reception. You can move it just a few inches, or point it toward a different direction, to change the quality of the reception. Continue with trial and error movements until you find the optimal position.

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