Health & Medical Eating & Food

How to Harvest Piñon Pine Nuts

    Harvesting Pinon Nuts

    • 1). Find a legally accessible pinon tree during late summer to late autumn.

    • 2). Locate cones just beginning to open.

    • 3). Remove cones from the tree using pruning hook.

    • 4). Place cones in basket.

    • 5). Collect any loose pine nuts that have already fallen to the ground from open cones.

    • 6). When home place unopened cone in heat, either near a charcoal fire or in an oven set to 225 degrees. Wait for cone petals to open.

    • 7). Empty nuts from open cones. Add to loose nuts in paper bags.

    • 8). Clean pine pitch from hands and tools using orange oil cleaning product.

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