Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Strengthening Middle SchoolAmerican Football Coaching Habits

The importance of learning the Playbook

Learning a play is critical because when an individual learns a play and executes it properly, it benefits the whole team. Because football plays can be intricate, it is important that you understand and follow the coach's instructions. A lot of habits can form in the first couple of practice plays, for this sake it is a good idea to take them slow at the start. As always, when learning a new play don't hesitate to ask for individual help to master the techniques needed. After practice is over visualize the play in your mind. Go over it again and again, and you will find that your mind will help you learn the plays even when you sleep.

Tackling Fundamentals and Safety

Learning how to perform a proper tackle is fundamental to the game of football. If you, or your players dont take tackling seriously you will not stop the offense and could also cause injuries. Some points to remember when tackling:

First, you need to stop the opponent quickly so make sure to place yourself directly in front of the opponents path. An excellent technique is to plant your foot in the middle of your opponents. Also, and in coordination with your feet throw your arms back preparing to grab.

Second you want to bring your other foot into the mix, and at the same time throw your arms up and around your opponent. Now is the time that injuries can happen. Never, ever, ever tackle with the top of your head down, keep it up and square against your opponent. Tell yourself, or your players to imagine that they are biting the football.

Third, at this point you have successfully grabbed your opponent and all thats left is to lunge your hips forward and bear all of your momentum against your opponent. Setting yourself up for this last step will ultimately prove the success in the tackle.

How to overpower on the line of scrimmage

Find a soft spot and push hard, that is what line strategies are all about. One such strategy or technique is the use of double teaming on the line of scrimmage. This play is simple, double up and push through. The strategy works for putting a hole in the line of scrimmage as two easily overpowers one. To execute this properly have both linemen step together at the same time and lock their hips together. They form a wall that the opponent cannot break. Hit the shoulders hard and pin the opponent down as you drive them back. To be effective the double team has to work in a fast blitz like maneuver.

Low Ball Catching Techniques

This means that quarterbacks, running backs, receivers, etc have gone through the motions several times and know how to react to situations on the field. One situation that happens a lot in a game is catching the low passes. Here are some great techniques in coaching and learning the low catch. First keep the pinkies together down low to make a shovel. This ensures that the ball will not slip through your fingers. Locking your pinkies prevents the football from falling through your hands. Third, once the ball touches your hands scoop it up into your chest and tuck it away into a secure position. Third, once you have caught the ball, tuck it away as soon as possible. Always watch the ball through from the first time you see it in the air until it is in a secure ball carrying position. And always see the ball through, meaning that you are watching it into the tuck.

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