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Gout: Its Symptoms and Levels

If in the event of encountering throbbing pain on the part of your joints, you might immediately think of it as arthritis. Yet studies now declared a condition that has long been related to arthritis which is known as gout. On the whole, gout occurs when uric acid crystals build up in your joints, thus it is otherwise known as uric acid crystal-triggered arthritis. Symptoms of gout usually become apparent in the joint of the large toe, but it may perhaps appear in the foot, wrist, hand, elbow, ankle and knee; though there are exceptional incidents where gout is found on the shoulders spine or even hips. This illness is normally localized meaning it does not spread from one joint to another.

Inflammation of the affected joints, pain and redness of the area where the gout is, stiffness in the affected joint and swelling around it is also possible. Other symptoms of gout can be found throughout the body, and this may include pain and swelling in other areas such as: big toe, ball of the foot, arch of the foot, ankle, knee, knuckle, wrist, elbow and hip. Some of the most precise signs that gout has already taken place are: gouty arthritis, skin lumps, arthritis attacks which are can rapidly become apparent and the recurrent attack of arthritis.

When putting in motion the area that is affected by gout, it can become extremely painful. And by not letting it breathe or by keeping it covered only aggravates the painful feeling. Another significant symptom of gout is hyperuricemia, or the unwarranted production of uric acid. And as previously mentioned extreme production of uric acid in the blood are determinants of increased susceptibility to develop gout.

Gout has long been described as a disease in which the signs of it grow at a swift pace. More often than not the symptoms occur in one day as it generally occurs to the other joint at a time. It has been pretty exceptional that its symptoms appear in two to three joints all at the same time, when this happens it could no longer be classified as gout. But if these symptoms are left untreated, chances are it would permanently damage your joints which might eventually lead to disability.

Gout can sometimes be bemused with pseudogout which is another condition only with similar symptoms. However, with pseudogout its cause has been rooted to the formation of crystals made of calcium, not uric acid thus may involve special approach in treatment.

Levels of Gout

Gout symptoms gradate throughout four levels. All through out the first stage, which is also known asymptomatic, the uric level goes afar the normal level, however the symptoms of gout may still not be apparent during this level. The second stage is known as the acute stage wherein mild symptoms are already visible. Next stage is the intercritical stage wherein the patient doesn't experience any symptoms which could last for some time even up to years. The symptoms though may recur within six months to about two years from the first attack. Lastly, the chronic stage of gout wherein frequent attacks are already experienced by the patient while simultaneously affecting other joints as well. This is the stage wherein the presence of a big tophi located in different joints becomes a problem because it might lead to kidney damage, kidney stones and hypertension.

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