Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

It"s the First Date.. Who should pay?

So imagine, you've got a first date this evening- you're anxious, edgy, and thrilled.. but you're pondering- Who should foot the bill?

Who doesn't wonder this on first dates? Women are more liberated than ever and men get worried that they may annoy their feminist crush by trying to pick up the tab. Because we are all equal, am I correct? No. Well, we certainly are, just not when we're talking about paying for first dates.

Fellows, I apologize- it probably sucks, but you should pay if you want to see her again. Even if you are a student or starving artist living paycheck to paycheck. Yes, you should probably pay even if she was the one to ask you out.

Here is why: Because she is not going to have a good feeling about you if you don't, she may feel so unfavorably that she won't be infatuated enough to want to go out with you again. Yes, it's 'traditional' that a man pays for the first date (and some people jeer at tradition), but it's a tradition that all women grew up hearing and are now acclimatized with. So if a man doesn't pay for the first date the gal is consequently going to assume the he either is not all that attracted to her, hes a cheap-wad, and that if she were to involve herself in a relationship with him, he may be detrimental to her piggy bank because she may have to end up supporting his ass. Are any of these assumptions inescapably true or fair or even "right"... well, No. But those are going to be the gut feelings deep down in a woman that just shelled out on the first stepping stone to construct a new relationship.

Now for the complicated part- the woman is in all probability going to offer to pay or split the bill. This is her being a polite, independent, thoughtful lady- this does not actually mean that she really wishes to pay for or split the bill. So reply- no, you would be pleased to treat her, even if you are really wanting to save for the new Call of Duty game. If she is completely determined to pay, well then, hell, let her- then go right out and buy your video game stat, sir.

Okay ladies, now this is for you. Please do not jet off to the restroom when you catch the waiter approaching your table, bill in hand, out of the corner of your eye. You are not fooling anyone, expect yourself if you think the man you are with is stupid enough to not know what you are doing. The guy sitting across from you knows that the need to urinate has not just hit you so suddenly that you just had to run to the Ladies Room. I understand that you don't want to part with your pennies and that this part of a date is a bit uncomfortable. But think of how awkward it would be if when you got back from powdering your nose- the bill was still there, pushed a bit to your side, just waiting for you. What are you going to say then? Like, "So, did ya wanna split the bill, or what exactly is THAT THING still doing here, mister?"- is not exactly lady-like.

I agree, you should not pay. I honestly think its a bit rude if a man invites you out and then DOES NOT pay...Hello, Mixed signals much? But if he doesn't assuredly and smoothly grab the bill as it comes, then at least offer to pay. If he lets you and you feel resentful about it- then follow your instincts, and don't see with him again. Even if you are a bit feminist or just an independent woman- I think you should let him pay for the first date. At least just to show that he is a reliable and dependable man, able to provide security when you need it. And EVERYONE needs it sometimes.. even the biggest and baddest of us.

If you feel uncomfortable because he dropped a lot of cash on you. Then ask yourself, did he choose the restaurant or activity? If it was pricey, then he probably selected it to impress you. Go ahead and feel pampered.. pleasant isn't it? If you still feel uncomfortable about it, then suggest you pay for an after-dinner cocktail or expresso. He may take you up on your offer, he may not. Paying for something like that, I think is fair. It will prove to him that you like him and that you aren't just along for a free meal. Keep in mind, some men will allow you to pay for anything for first few times you go out- relish it. Just don't begin to take that for granted.. after the first couple of dates, you gals should be contributing something monetarily as well.

Now, get out there and enjoy yourself. There is much attraction and many dates to be had!

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