Business & Finance Small Business

Be Proactive Now To Benefit at Tax Time

Organisation is one of the most vital qualities for business owners to possess, and with the New Financial Year quickly approaching, it is important to get organised well in advance.
What many business owners don't realise however is that this time of the year is probably the best time to get their tax affairs sorted in order to engage in proactive tax planning.
As a small business owner, sometimes it can be very difficult to juggle your work, family and social life.
A way to assist with this is by using web based software, allowing ease of access anywhere you go.
Because of the many hats business owners have to wear, most of us don't have the time to think about our tax obligations until tax time.
The problem with this is that waiting until the last moment, leaves little time to be able to review tax deductable expenses properly, let alone prepare for your tax return thoroughly.
Waiting until tax time to begin thinking about your taxes can also mean that you may miss important opportunities that may be able to lessen your tax, or benefit your business in the next financial year.
If you already have an established business, you would already know about the simple things you can do to ensure you are proactive at tax time.
These tasks may include:
  • Invest your excess capital in stock that you will be able to use in the next financial year
  • Prepay your rent in advance, even if it is only a month or two.
  • Purchase staple items required for the business in the upcoming year.
    This could include stationery and computer equipment.
These tasks are extremely important to implement prior to June 30, as they are a way to minimise your tax while benefiting your business in the new financial year.
But what if you already apply these tasks? How else can you really give your business a step up come the end of financial year? There are a number of ways to cut, or delay, your tax payment when moving into the new financial year.
One of the simplest ways to do so is through your income.
Depending on your particular situation, that is if you are taxed on a cash basis or accrual basis, consider either deferring income or the source of your income until the new financial year.
By doing so, you are able to record less income, ultimately, paying less tax.
Another way to minimise your tax payment is through deductions.
By paying things such as superannuation, prior to June 30, you are able to receive a deduction.
No matter what you decide to implement prior to tax time, record keeping is essential for business related expenses.
Without correct and effective record keeping, you may miss potential to reduce your tax.
Furthermore, by being up to date and forecasting your expenses and income you will be able to foresee your financial position.
This will help you decide if you should increase spending in a certain area before the end of financial year.
There are immense benefits of using a web-based program leading up to tax time.
With the assistance of a program, you are able to look at profit and loss at any month in time, from anywhere in the world.
Check to see if a profit has been reported, and how much it is with ease.
Furthermore, using a bookkeeping application is an excellent way of being able to make solid financial decisions efficiently and to best benefit your business.
Better still, some of these business programs are even free for qualifying businesses with limited staff and clients.
So, get ahead.
Be proactive before tax time and ensure that you get the most out of the end of financial year.

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