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How to Write Sizzling Cash Gifting Ad Copy in Only 5 Minutes a Day

Turbo-charge your cash gifting marketing campaign in just 5 minutes a day.

It is simple.

No need to be an internet marketing pro. No need to take course after course, or buy product after product, or spend years learning the art of copy.

Nope, you can pull this off in just 5 minutes.
Cash Gifting Ad Copy Tip
Your campaign takes off if you do 1 thing, for just 5 minutes.

Let it marinate.

That's it. The great secret to success. Let it marinate.

Write a post. Step back for 5 minutes. Let it marinate.

Write a title, step back for 5 minutes, let it marinate.

Almost all bad copy is the result of mental hurry. Being in a rush kills creativity, which kills your chances at a high number of clicks.

Cash Gifting – Clear Mind

The benefits of a clear, empty mind are astounding.

You automatically know what works, what doesn't, what's attractive, what's boring, what's repelling, with an open mind.

You have all the answers but mental blocks prevent you from seeing answers.

Few take the time to dissolve their mental blocks, which is why few write really good copy.

Too many are in a rush, a rush to failure, a rush to nowhere in particular.

Impatience is the enemy of cash gifting ad copy.

Patience is the best friend of ad copy.

Your best ideas might sprout up a few minutes after your initial idea. In most cases, it will be on the second or third draft.

This is why it's beyond critical to step away from your content or advertisement for 5 minutes before publishing.

Step away, come back, edit, publish.

Go for a short walk. Meditate. Visualize. Do whatever it takes, but do step away, if you want to write better copy.

5 minutes can make the difference between 35 and 1000 visitors.

I noticed this recently, for an article that just about topped google for a keyword which gets 1000 searches a day.

The articles from this directory usually get 35 views, but the other day the article reached the first page of google for a super competitive keyword.

Why? I wrote a really good title, and the article was on the first page, 3 results from the top.

I let it marinate, and I prospered.

Became a cash gifting chef, let your ad copy marinate, prosper.

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