Health & Medical Nutrition

Foods to Make Your Breasts Naturally Grow Bigger

Getting your breasts to grow naturally is a wish that many women want, but hardly any ever have have come true. This is a problem which can easily be solved by eating a certain type of food, but which kind of food is god for making your breasts naturally grow bigger? Let's find out...

Checkout Natural Secrets To Breast Enlargement.

There's a reason why most women have small breasts is actually very simple. It's all down to a lack of "Estrogen" in your body. This is a hormone which pushes your body to develop all your womanly features when you're going through puberty, and a lack of it actually prevents your breasts from growing to their full potential.

The problem is that when you go through puberty, your body is full of this "Estrogen" hormone, which kick starts your Menstrual cycle, and makes your breasts grow, amongst other things. The level of Estrogen you have inside your body is extremely high during the ages of 12-16, which is when your body is growing the most. However, when you come out puberty, your body will stop the flow of Estrogen, providing just enough to keep the development of your womanly features at a the same size as they were before.

This means that if your breasts have not grown to a size you would like, you are going to be stuck with small ones if you come out of puberty with them. This is actually a huge problem which is easily fixed. You just need to be able to get the level of Estrogen in your body back up to the levels they were when you were going through puberty. This will make the breasts start to grow again thanks to the added hormones inside your body. However, getting the Estrogen levels up inside your body is another story altogether.

Luckily, Estrogen is a naturally occurring substance which can be found in the likes of plants and herbs. In its natural form, it's called "phyto estrogen" (literally translated as "Plant Estrogen"), meaning that you can actually eat the Estrogen-rich plants and then harness the Estrogen that they have inside them. Such foods as Flax Seeds, Soy Beans and Tofu are great for this - being packed full of Estrogen to help your breasts grow.

However, eating these foods won't make your breasts grow bigger by themselves. To get the best results, you need to follow a routine which uses stretches, massages and these foods, in order to get your breasts to grow by up to 2 cup sizes.

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