Pets & Animal Pets Fish

Acrylic Aquarium Kit Care - Everything You Wish To Know

It was in the 1800's that the habit of collecting and keeping fish started.
It was very basic.
They were mostly made from glass on one side and surrounded by some other material like wood or metal for the other sides.
These aquariums mostly kept fishes that were locally available and were native to the region.
The other thing that used to prevail was that the fishes were mostly fresh water fishes and not salt water as the salt content could erode the metal frame which kept the tank in one piece.
This drastically became different with the introduction of adhesives made from silicon in the 1960s.
Because of this people said bye to metal frames and started keeping invertebrates and fresh water fishes.
Nowadays even glass has been frowned because of the handier Acrylic.
They are flexible and do not break.
Where in a case of some heavy object hitting the tank and its certain breaking, the acrylic which is flexible makes sure this does not happen.
Also getting something decorative is more possible through acrylic rather than glass.
They can be used either as tables or tanks or gum ball machine.
But there is one disadvantage of the acrylic aquarium.
It becomes scratched soon and more easily.
While cleaning you have to make sure you use only cleaning agents that are labeled safe.
Do not use abrasive and harsh chemicals and paper or hard cloths to wipe.
Instead use rubber or plastic scrubbers to clean the tank sides.
But even in the case of your acrylic tank getting scratched, there is no need to fret as it can be repaired unlike the glass tanks.
At pet, other specialty store and online you can buy an acrylic repair kit, they are easily available.
The aquarium kits can be bought at different prices and with different options for your choice.
These kits will be available either in pet store or the specialized aquatic stores or huge chains and/ or of course the online shops.
The fish lover can get anything from the small cylinder tank that doubles up the table lamp to the wall size aquariums.
The kits come with some basic essentials like substrate, filters, corals, at times even lighting and the kits vary from one to another.
It is not important where you buy the kit but remember the fishes have to be bought through a more trustworthy fish dealer.
Don't buy fishes that hang out at the top of the tank or the ones that are close to the dead ones as disease among them is extremely communicable.
Do not trust a fish dealer who does not get you the fish you want from the tank, why? Well because the tank and the fishes are going to be yours and hence it is your choice!

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