Health & Medical Nutrition

The Number of Calories in Popcorn

If you are wondering about the number of calories in popcorn and the role that popcorn can play as part of a weigh loss plan, we have outlined some of that information for you.
Popcorn is a popular snack because it is tasty, inexpensive, and easy to carry and eat.
What you may not know is that eating popcorn on a regular basis (without butter or an excessive amount of salt) can actually be part of a healthy, calorie-conscious diet plan.
The Health Benefits of Popcorn Popcorn offers vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein (in fact, popcorn provides more protein than any other whole grain source).
Popcorn is also known to provide antioxidant and digestive benefits.
It is worth noting that hot air popped popcorn is typically seen as the healthiest as it makes the kernels pop without the need for adding preservatives that might diminish the health benefits.
What is the Popcorn Diet? As you may have noticed, these days there is a diet out there based on almost any type of food- and popcorn is no exception.
The Popcorn Diet is a weight loss diet in which you eat a healthy, sensible diet that focuses on high-protein, low-fat foods and lots of vegetables and use popcorn as your only snack source.
The popcorn you eat should be hot-air popped and not be buttered or salted.
The idea behind the diet is to eliminate junk food snacking and enjoy low-calorie, nutritious popcorn instead.
How Many Calories in Popcorn? As a rule-of-thumb, a cup of hot-air popped popcorn contains about 31 calories, 1.
15 grams of fiber, and about.
35 grams of fat.
Oil popped and microwave popped popcorn contain more calories at 64 and 115 respectively.
The Downside to Popcorn You may find that popcorn without butter or salt is somewhat tasteless and boring after a while.
Also, excessive consumption of corn can lead to difficulty in absorbing vitamin B.

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