Metal Detectors That Differentiate Metals
- Use a metal detector that differentiates metals to find gold and ignore discarded aluminum coin image by Greg Pickens from
If you're hoping to find valuable items while treasure hunting, you'll benefit from using a metal detector that differentiates metals. That way, while walking along the beach, for example, you can pass up a buried aluminum soda can and head straight for the gold, silver, or a historical item made of iron when you hear the tone given off by the detector. Metal detectors that differentiate metals employ Very Low Frequency (VLF) technology, which uses a transmitter coil to distinguish different magnetic signatures given off by different metals. - The Shadow X5, from Troy Custom Detectors, is a metal detector that uses VLF technology to help treasure hunters in beach hunting, relic hunting, prospecting and coin shooting. It is waterproof and weatherproof, and has a high sensitivity for finding small gold nuggets. The manufacturer's suggested retail price is $1,099.00.
- The Golden Umax, from Tesoro, is a metal detector that has an adjustable notch window to let you configure precisely how to use its VLF technology to distinguish soda can pull tabs from nickel or gold, while simultaneously blocking out unwanted scraps of junk iron. The detector uses a four-tone audio metal identification system to help you get an idea of what your target is. The manufacturer's suggested retail price is $529.
- The F73, from Fisher, is a metal detector with a magnetic mineralization bar graph that uses VLF technology along with variable audio pitch to help hunters find their gold and other treasure. With double-discrimination modes to search in trashy areas, it is used for relic hunting, beach hunting, prospecting and coin shooting. The manufacturer's suggested retail price is $1,199.