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My Ex Girlfriend Hates Me - What Do I Do To Change The Way She Feels?

Feeling as though your ex girlfriend hates you is actually pretty normal after a break up. I've encountered situations where I have gotten to speak with both the guy and the woman and found that quite often, they both will feel like the other person hates them. So, one thing that you might want to keep in mind is that your ex girlfriend may feel like you hate her as well and you also might want to consider the possibility that she doesn't really hate you, you just feel like she probably does.

So, what can you do to change the way that she feels?

1. If you really did do something deserving of her hating you, then you might want to own up and apologize for it.

I'll give you an example. Let's say that you cheated on your ex girlfriend and that is the reason why she hates you. If that is the case, I think you'll agree that she has a right to feel that way. You have to take that into account and maybe the best thing that you can do is apologize for your actions. Don't go too far with apologizing, because when a guy kind of overdoes it, it usually seems staged to a woman and you don't want her to feel that way.

2. Become attractive to her again.

Most likely, the reason why it bothers you that you feel like your ex girlfriend might hate you is that you want to be on her good side and you might even want her back. If that is true, then what you need to do is to make yourself attractive to your ex girlfriend again so that she wants to forgive you. I think you'll notice that when a woman is really attracted to a man, it suddenly becomes a lot easier for her to forgive him.

3. Don't be too dramatic about the situation.

After every break up, you are going to find that someone or both people are going to act a little bit cold to one another. Don't turn that into her actually hating you. Many times, I find that when a guy says that his ex girlfriend hates him, he is being kind of dramatic. You don't want to do that. Just acknowledge the fact that she might be acting a little bit cold, but that there are easy ways for warming her up and making her feel like she wants to be around you again.

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