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C"est pas tes oignons

Expression: C'est pas tes oignons !

Pronunciation: [say pa tay zuh nyo(n)]

Meaning: None of your business!

Literal translation: It's not your onions!

Register: Informal

Notes: The French expression c'est pas* tes oignons is equivalent in register to "none of your beeswax!" I find it curious that oignons is equivalent in this and its companion expressions** to affaires. In English, "beeswax" has a certain similarity in sound to "business," but oignons and affaires are nothing alike, so why oignons rather than, say, artichauts or asperges?

   Je te dis pas - c'est pas tes oignons !
   I'm not telling you - it's none of your business!

*Why c'est pas rather than ce n'est pas? It's common for ne to be dropped in informal French.

**Related expressions

   C'est tes oignons
   It is your business/concern, It concerns you

   Mêle-toi de tes oignons !
   Mind your own business/beeswax!

   Occupe-toi de tes oignons !
   Mind your own business/beeswax!

   mettre son grain de sel
   to stick one's nose in, to butt in


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