Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Ways to Cure Dog Separation Anxiety

A dogs separation anxiety will be evident when you notice unwanted behaviors occurring each time you leave.
He may scratch the door, chew things he knows are off limits, and bark constantly.
Your dog may make it a point to relieve himself on the floor, destroy your furniture and cause all out chaos while you are away, and this will start the very moment you walk out the door.
Man's best friend loves human interaction, but if you work outside of the home, it is necessary to leave your dog behind until you return.
Begin by gradually introducing him to being separated from you.
Crating your dog for short periods while you are there and gradually increasing his crate time will help him adjust to being confined.
If his behavior is good, offer praise when releasing him and his favorite treat.
Dogs with separation anxiety may refuse to eat while you are away, and in extreme cases they may shed excessive amounts of hair due to the stress.
It is important not to ignore this problem.
Next, begin leaving the house for short periods, and gradually increase these times, offering quiet praise for good behavior.
(You can simply stand outside of the door and listen for tell-tale barking or whining) You may wish to hire someone to walk your dog during the day to give him some fresh air and break up his isolation.
Keeping your schedule consistent during the weekends as well will also help him adjust.
When your pup gets to be a year old to one and a half, he may be ready for freedom from his crate.
You may test him to see if he can be trusted by leaving for an hour or so.
If nothing is chewed or out of order, offer praise and his favorite treat as usual.
Do not make a big deal out of leaving and returning.
Make it a casual affair, uneventful.
Do the same when you return.
Do not go directly to the crate unless it is a young pup who has been alone for a long period and needs to be let out.
If possible, wait until he quiets down before releasing him from his crate.
Do not act overly excited yourself when you get home, and chances are he will remain calm as well, once accustomed to this routine.
Taking the time to prepare your dog for being home alone will make both of you happier and you will not have to worry about ways to cure dog separation anxiety.

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