Home & Garden Home Improvement

Why Fiberglass Ladders Are The Best

Ladders have been around for centuries.
They have been used to scale castle walls, climb towers, install lighting fixtures, among other stuff.
In the old times, ladders were constructed using wood, which is prone to rot and breakage.
People searched for an alternative and used aluminum in making their ladders.
However, with the increasing importance and use of electricity, aluminum ladders pose risks as a conductor of electricity.
Indeed, there have been cases of electrocution while using aluminum ladders.
Presently, ladders are still made using wood and aluminum.
But giant ladders and other industrial ladders opt for stronger and safer material.
Hence, the construction and use of fiberglass ladders.
There are key advantages in using fiberglass ladders over those of wood and aluminum.
First, the constancy of the material strength.
Wood ladders are made using different varieties of wood, meaning varying quality.
Some wood are strong and can withstand heavy weights, but most break when weighed down by heavy loads.
Also, woodrot and termites can weaken and hollow the wood from the inside.
A wooden ladder may look safe but its insides may be empty and weak.
Aluminum is more consistent and stronger compared to wood, but is usually made in varying grades.
Manufacturers usually use several grades in making a single aluminum ladder.
A low-grade aluminum component of a ladder can bend under heavy loads without warning.
Since fiberglass is made under regulated standards and procedures, its strength and durability remain constant.
Even if a manufacturer uses fiberglass from different suppliers, the constructed ladder will have uniform strength.
Giant ladders are used in fire trucks and other industrial activities.
These activities expose the ladders to electrical materials such as live wires.
Fiberglass has great advantage over aluminum and wood in these cases.
Wood is a very sensitive material.
It is not an electricity conductor, but it cannot support heavy weights for long periods.
Also, extreme temperatures like fire and heat can make wood very brittle.
Aluminum, on the other hand, can withstand high heat.
However, it allows heat transfer and electricity conduction.
It can grow hot when exposed to heat over time and alive with electricity if put in contact with an electric source.
Hence, it's not safe to use for activities involving heat and electricity.
Ladders made of fiberglass are much safer because they do not allow heat transfer and electricity conduction.
Even if some ladders of fiberglass use aluminum for rungs, these are installed separately, thus disrupting electric and heat flow.
Fiberglass ladders are not problem-free, and their main disadvantage is their weight.
Ladders of fiberglass are considerably heavier than aluminum and wood.
However, they are more durable alternatives over wood and conductive aluminum.
If weight or height is a primary concern, fiberglass is not suitable.
But most homeowners and manufacturers have no need for too tall ladders for most chores.
Giant ladders are enough for most household and plant repairs.
In this case, the strength and the long shelf life of fiberglass is ideal.

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